Prologue- The Beginning

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In the dim night at a bay near an ocean in China, a tall and handsome young man gazed upon the sky while recording his promotional video for CHUANG 2021 .

As he adjusted his glasses to get a clearer view of the sky, he saw that the moon was bright, in his eyes the moon shined with absolute beauty and sense of serenity, which felt like an inauspicious sign of his destiny unfolding. He thought to himself 'How beautiful.' as he finished his thought, he heard a sudden clap "---and CUT!" the director said, "Zhou Keyu, perfect! You did great, you can rest now. Next, trainee please!" with that said the boy took a bow and thanked the director and the crew and proceeded preparing to go back to his dorm.

Before leaving the set, he gazed back at the sky and looked at the moon again. Luckily, a shooting star passed by and he smiled and closed his eyes as he uttered these words.

"I wish this journey with CHUANG will be a memorable one."


Similarly, a boy opened his windows sill at the apartment he's been staying at for 3 months, he sighed anxiously and thought to himself 'Did I do well today? I was quite nervous' as he remembered his promotional shoot earlier in the morning.

He then looked up and saw that the moon illuminated the dark night sky with it's gentle light. Seeing this made him feel a bit comforted. Inevitably a few months in China made him feel really homesick. As he continued longingly gazing at the sky he saw a shooting star pass by, he immediately closed his eyes and said "I wish that with this risk I've taken will bring me closer to my dream to be on stage."

A sudden ping came from his phone, it was a text from Nine that said 'Patrick, sleep early! We got dance and chinese lessons tomorrow, good night! 😚'

Patrick chuckled at the thoughtfulness of his friend, as he was preparing to go to bed. He looked back again at the sky and let out a small grin while thinking
'It would be nice to meet someone I could talk on the moon with on this journey'.

To be continued--------------

A/N: Hiii, did you like the short prologue I typed ? Hehe the draft of this fanfic was actually written by me about a month ago, I wasn't originally planning on posting it but my friend said it was good so I should try posting it here.

Anyways, I like using symbolism whenever I write a story. So to give some context to readers who are not familiar with KePat (pls do read their profiles online for further info) or better yet watch CHUANG 2021 on WeTV first before reading this it's really good! ( )

Zhou Keyu info here :

Patrick info here:

So as for the symbolism,

Keyu's fandom is called "Astronauts" or Yu Hang Yan (宇航员) (astronaut) is Keyu's fandom name it's because of 宇宙 (宇= yu = keYU, 宙= zhou = 周), 宇宙= universe.
宇航员 = astronauts because it's linked to universe.

Also, Zhou Keyu's name can also be simplified into ZKY which is similar to the word "SKY". Hence, me using the sky several times.

As for Patrick his fandom is called Patrick Star or starfishes (literally because of Patrick from Spongebob lolz >_<) anyways he often calls himself the "Ocean Prince". It's quite funny to note that Starfishes live near or in the ocean HAHA!

SO, that's the reason I mentioned the ocean in the beginning (Keyu really did film his promotional video at a bay near an ocean lol hehe)

I used 'shooting star' a lot because it's like a combinatiom of Keyu's Universe and Patrick's STARfish hence a shooting star. It also symbolizes the two boys chasing their dreams like the term "shooting for the stars" the title of this story lol.

As for the moon, well the moon is part of the Universe (Keyu) lolz and also in a CHUANG interview/form Patrick wrote that he would talk to 'anyone he can chat with 24/7 on the moon'

So I thought that would be cute to add in.

Hope you enjoyed it and please look forward to the new chapter! 😊

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