Chapter 2 - Purely Coincidental

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The wind started to blow, winter was soon ending and the fresh cool breeze flew through the wind as if it's a sign for spring to come. When spring starts to bloom a new story will soon unfold.

Two boys entered their mobiles for transportation and sat inside waiting for their fate to soon begin.

One sat in the middle and the other sat near the window, as they sat down one let out an exasperated sigh of anxiety and nervousness.

"Xiao Gu, don't be so nervous" Patrick said to Nine in the middle. "How can I not be nervous?!" Nine replied, Patrick let out a chuckle and said "I'm nervous too, but I'm also very excited because we're finally able to get our first stage." . Nine nodded in agreement and said "Of course I'm excited too! But, I'm nervous too, all of the other trainees looked stunning and all of them had really good backgrounds" . Patrick then sighed and told Nine "You know what, you need to rest. Sleep for a bit, I'll wake you up when we get there." As he tucked in Nine with a blanket and handed him a neck pillow.

He puts on his headphones to listen to some music and soon began to lean back and stare at the window of the car seat and thought 'We can do this.' He then saw the back of a really tall man in the distance near a tall apartment from his window. Which reminded him of the weird shock he felt during the introduction. While looking for a place to seat during the introduction he suddenly locked eyes with a handsome young man with glasses and felt a sudden zing run through his body. He then thought 'Who was that?'

Patrick's POV

Who was that? I remember I kept looking at him from behind since I was curious of who he was at the time. During the introduction he didn't talk much nor did he smile a lot. But, I must say that man looked like an art piece that was beautifully sculpted. His features from head to toe were undeniably perfect. He had well-endowned cool yet delicate facial features and his figure and height were astonishing. He definitely had the best visual from all the trainees I've seen yesterday. He was really cool. I wonder if he's the same talent-wise? As I finished thinking that the car suddenly stopped and our assistant said "We're here."

*Thump thump* My heart began to beat , and I quickly nudged Nine to wake up. He looked at me with a weird sleepy face. I laughed and said "Wake up we're here" his eyes then went wide open in shock and he quickly started panicking and said "Already??? I'm not ready yet, does my hair look okay?" I laughed at the cuteness and silliness of my friend and said "You look fine. Come on, we better get going."

We were soon rushed by the staff into the studio to get ready, we were soon bombarded with staff putting on mics and earpieces on us as preparation for the recording. They soon led us in a waiting room filled with trainees. While looking for a place to seat I accidentally bumped into somebody and immediately said "Ah-- I'm so sorry." in Chinese. He looked at me and smiled and said "It's cool man" offering his hand for a handshake. I shaked hands with him and smiled. "Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Patrick, Yin Hao Yu from Thailand" he then looked at me again "The name's Oscar. Nice to meet you too" he said and then somebody shouted his name and said "Oscar! Come here, we've found a place to seat," he looked and raised his hands in agreement and looked back at me and said "I'll see you around" after that quick conversation I thought 'Wow, how cool' I thought he was scary at first but he seemed like a nice guy.

Then Nine called me and said "Patrick, here! I found a place to seat" I immediately went to Nine's side and saw that he wasn't alone. He was with another trainee, the trainee smiled and intrduced himself and said "Hi, my name's Ichika and I come from Japan" I smiled and introduced myself as well. We then continued on and had quite a pleasant conversation, I think me and Ichika will be able to get along well.

Then suddenly the staff opened the door and said "Everybody please get ready to enter the stage."

All the trainees then began scrambling to line-up and enter the stage. Me and Nine were cued by the director to go near the middle near the center of the stage.

As I walked to my place and took a seat. I saw the stage and the lightings and all the set-up. It felt like I was getting closer to my dream, I then heard somebody call my name from the left side and saw that Ichika was waving from his place and as I waved back, a magnetic voice from behind called me and said "Hello, excuse me is this seat taken?" I answered quickly and said "No, of course not--" when I looked at the person from behind I was shocked and thought

'It's you again.'

To be continued---

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To be continued---

A/N: Heyyyyy, I'm back hehe

So yeah, I edited the first chapter I published and added some pictures I have and some crumbs I spotted of KePat.

So you can go back to see those lol.

Anyways, I can finally input in the first actual kepat moment hehe

The picture above is what I based the second chapter on hehe

I also introduced some of the notable friends they'll make in CHUANG

Oscar of the WBB Gang and Ichika (who became one of the bestfriends Patrick made in the show hehe)

I'll intoduce some more next time hehe.

Anyways, during the first day Keyu and Patrick actually sat and stood beside one another during the first day of recording of the first episode
As seen here:

Anyways, during the first day Keyu and Patrick actually sat and stood beside one another during the first day of recording of the first episode As seen here:

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So yeah I included that in the story.
(I mean like come on that's destiny lol, the pure coincidence that they  actually sat beside one another during the first stage is uwu mah heartttttt)

How are you liking the story so far ?
Should I continue adding in pictures and videos ?

That's it for me today

I hope you like it.

Thanks for reading :)

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