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Hello, I'm the author of this story, shipler. I purely created this story out of my love for kepat and the like.

However, these past few days my mother was sick so I decided to take care of her for the time being so I stopped uploading, but draft and all the research for that part has been done (including all of the clips, photos and videos) as well as for the future chapters.

However, a certain fan of another ship (110) somehow found my account on other socials (probably because I use a similar username on other socials for stanning and they somehow connected my tweets to this story since I was sharing it to some of my friends on twitter). Moving on, I don't know how and I don't know why but that fan has been bombarding my socials with threats to stop this story their reasoning being that "kepat is not real and that the only ship that is real is the ship they ship with Zhou Keyu" or "Stop your story because you are distorting what happened in reality, what really happened was that ... (A really long paragraphy of how their ship " supposedly sailed" in reality) , so with all these evidences stop your story because it is not what happened in reality" or "(curse words) drop your story! because it is (curse words) and you are stupid for making this kind of story, I hope you die" etc.,

At first I just blocked the said fan because I didn't mind it at first. I thought it was just another kepat anti.

But, this fan is very persistent and continued to bombard my socials with threats with new accounts, I'm assuming she/he was helped by their friends since I had multiple accounts threatening and flooding my socials like wildfire. Even threatening me using multiple languages such as Chinese,English, Javanese and Thai.
I am assuming that they are atleast of Chinese descent because their threats in Chinese are more gramatically correct while the others looked like it was google translated.

It got to the point that they actually found my non-stan account as in my personal private socials that I use in my personal life. This is probably my own mistake because I followed my personal account using my stan account on twitter. After they found my personal account on twitter, it didn't take a long time for them to find my other socials and started threatening me there. This has honestly been getting out of hand and I am genuinely scared.

I've been reporting them nonstop these past few days but they are very persistent.

I never thought sharing my fanfiction would result into something like this. I am honestly appalled and disgusted at this kind of behavior. I can't handle it anymore.


I am hereby announcing the drop of this series.

I hope you are happy now and PLEASE FINALLY


I really hate you guys for being such toxic fans just because you want your ship to be real.

You are all immature, psychotic, disgusting and have no morals and ethics whatsoever. I hope after this you finally reflect on what you've done and GET A LIFE!

To my readers, I sincerely apologize for dropping this. But these recent threats have honestly affected my personal and social life.

I am really sorry.

The only consolation I have for you is that this story actually had two endings planned, that will sadly never be given the light of day because of this.

Again, thank you for reading and following this story thus far and I'm really really sorry.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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