Jalex will never die

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It was around 2 in the morning when Alex woke up after feeling his tiny bunker bed dip down. He opened his lazy eyes looking for the intruder, his eyes only finding Jack. He watched as Jack crawled closer to him underneath the covers. Alex was now pressed even closer to the wall then he would of liked to be.

"Jack, theres no room for you in here." Alex whispered in his ear.

"Make room." Jack replied, Alex could just hear the smirk on his face.

Alex moved even closer to the wall to make more room, Jack climbing into Alex's bed wasn't unusual. In fact, it was something he did almsot every night. Jack let out a content sigh as he laid his head down onto Alex's chest, Alex himself wanted to let out a sigh of his own but kept it in. loved it when Jack did this, not a lot of people know of his cuddling side.

"You seemed upset last night, why?" Jack whispered in his chest.

Alex was quiet for a few before letting out a sigh, he couldn't keep a secret from his best friend. "I guess I was just upset you didn't tell me about that Scarlet girl I mean I am your best friend but you went and talked to Rian about her." He said staring up at the ceiling.

Jack raised his head from where it laid and looked up at Alex. "Bro he was with me when I met her of course I was gonna talk to him about it, and I wanted to tell you but I guess I never got around to it, also you and Lisa had just broken up and I didn't want to be that dick friend to go on and on about a girl after that." He said not talking his eyes off of his friend.

"Still I would of liked to of known so I didn't seem like an idoit when Rian annonced it to everyone, no wait I should of been the one to annonce it." Alex said, he knew he was sounding childlish but at this moment he really didn't care.

"Alex," Jack said laying back down on the tense body of his friend, "I understand why you are upset but really come on man, why do care so much anyway?" He asked now curious with the answer.

Alex's body froze at that question, he didn't really even know why he cared so much it wasn't that big of a deal but he was making it to himself, he wanted to be the first one to know about Jack's love life, wanted to be the guy he went to the bar with that night to see if this Scarlet chick was a good one for his brother. Deep down he knows he probably would of told him to forget out her and that it wasn't wroth a try he for some reason didn't like the idea of Jack dating anyone and he knew that made him sound like a shity friend but feelings and thoughts are stuff you cannot deny.

"You're my best friend Jack, my brother you should of told me." He said not meeting his eye.

"I think there is more to that then what you are telling me Alex." Jack said moving so he could get out of the bed.

Jack wasn't understanding why Alex seemed to be so uspet about his new relationship with Scarlet, he hasn't cared about his love life before why would he start now? Back in highschool they both dated their fair share of women and Alex never seemed upset then, he actually wanted Jack to date all of those girls then.

Jack was almost out of the bed when Alex grabbed a hold of his arm. "Wait don't leave." He whispered pulling him back down.

"I'm scared about losing my best friend." Alex then whispered when Jack tried to get up once again.

Jack looked down at him finally seeing the problem, "Jalex will never die Alexander." He said smiling over at him before crawling back underneath the covers, "You wont lose me I promise." He said closing his eyes as he got comfortable on Alex's chest.


Rian awoke from his sleep as the sun began hitting his eyes. Him being on one of the top bunks  always got the wrose of the sun. He jumped off his  bed looking around to see on one was up just yet, he looked over to the other top bunk were Jack should be alseep only to find it empty. He looked at confused before walking over to the kitchen area of the bus, to find that room empty as well.

"Why am always the first one up?" He asked to himself as he started to make some delicious coffee for the rest of the crew and himself.

Rian had just poured himself his first cup when Zack came out and took it from his hands. "Thanks buddy." He said taking the drink and sitting down at the table.

"Fuck you." Rian mubbled pouring another cup and taking the seat across from Zack.

"Did Jack sleep in Alex's bed again last night?" Rian the asked taking a sip from his drink.

Zack shrugged his shoulders, "I dunno, probably Alex was acting kind of werid last night." He said.

"He's probably pissed becasue Jack didn't tell him about Scarlet." Rian said looking out of the window.

"He's probably pissed at you for knowing about it before him." Zack chimed in looking at Rian's face.

"Nah he wouldn't be made at me about that, It wasn't my fault." He said looking back at the big man.

Jack and Alex then walked out looking messy and tired. "You two have a rough night?" Zack asked smirking over at them.

"Yeah it was a full night of make up sex." Jack said smirking back as he poured himself some coffee.

"That's the sounds I was hearing last night." Rian said let out a laugh "It sounded like little girl screams." He added in smiling at Alex.

"Yeah that was Jack." Alex said smiling back at Rian letting him know that he wasn't mad at him for knowing about Scarlet.

They all let out a laugh as Jack flipped them off. "What time is it?" He then asked.

"Time for you to buy a watch." Rian mummbled taking a drink from his mug.

"Oh haha good one Rian." Jack said faking laughing, "No but seriously what is the time." He asked.

"12:00 PM." Danny Kurily the bands Guitar Tech said coming from the front of the bus were the driver was.

"Danny! When the fuck did you get on here!?" Alex asked giving him a man hug.

"Last night when you guys pasted out, Nano came and got us all." Danny said hugging him back.

"Where all they all?" Jack asked.

"Still asleep I guess." He said hugging the rest of the guys.

"Evan! Matt! Jeff! Alex! Vinny! Get your lazy asses up!" Jack screamed walked down the aisle of the beds.

One by one they all got up, now all gathered in the living room area. "This feeling like a family reunion." Rian said smiling wide at everyone.

"Hell yeah it does!" Alex screamed.

Nano came out then smiling at them all. "We all are here good, the first show is tonight is everyone ready for it?" He asked.

"Yeah!" They all said excitedly.

Nano smiled even more. "Good." He said.


Now before you get confused I'm not sure if the bands manager tours on the same bus but in my story he is, also the guys you may not know work of All Time Low,

Tour Manager: Matt Flyzik

FOH Sound: Evan Kirkendall

Band Manager: Nano Tissera

Lighting: Jeff Maker

Guitar Tech:Danny Kurily

Drum Tech: Alex Grieco

Merch: Vinny Petrocelli

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