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It's been awhile since I last updated I know and I'm sorry, I've been busy I still am but I'm fitting sometime in this. I was in a random ATL mood yesterday so this is gonna be fun to write.



Alex looked over at Jack with a huge smile on his face, he still coundn't believe he was in the arms of his best friend right now, this was a dream come true for him. He reached his hand up and gently placed it on his Jack's chin forcing him to look down at him.

"Is this really?" Alex whispered as Jack looked down at him.

Jack smiled. "Yes Alex this is real." He said bending down and giving him a light kiss on the lips.

"So are you guys like a couple now?" Zack asked looking over at them as he entered the room.

"Yeah." Alex said looking over at the blushing Jack.

"So Jalex his fucking real!?" Rian asked as he ran into the room with a huge ass smile.

"Yeah Jalex is real." Jack said looking over at the drummer.

"This is like every fan girl's dream come true! Including mine!" Rian yelled as he ran over hugging both of the boys.

"We know that you fan girl over us but seriously Rian calm your tits." Alex said back with his usual jokes he made.

"I'm sorry but they just get so excited." He said coving them up as they all started to laugh.

"So like are you gonna keep this a band sercet or what? I mean you guys already act like a couple on stage." Zack asked looking over at the new relationship.

Alex nodded his head, "I think it would be best if we kept this between us for now, you know until the end of the tour." He said looking over at Jack making sure that is was okay.

"Yeah I agree that would be best, maybe come out at our last show." He said taking Alex's hand.

"So what are you gonna do about Scarlet?" Rian asked raisning his eyebrow.

"Were still unsure about that.." Jack said biting his lip awkwardly.

"You better tell her soon before she finds out from someone else, she would probably be pissed if she finds out that way." Zack said taking a sip from his water bottle.

"We know, we just don't know how like how do you tell your girlfriend that you're dating a man?" Jack asked looking at all of their eyes.

"I think the best way to do it would to just tell her like ripping off a band aid." Zack said acting like he was actually ripping off a band aid.

"Cass!" Rian yelled as we watched Zack.

"Yeah?" Cassadee asked as she walked in placing her hand around Rian's shoulder.

"Well since Jalex is now real we were wondering how Jack should tell Scaret that he was dating a man, you're a women how would you like to be told?" He asked smiling up at her.

"Oh Gosh I don't know, maybe Jack you and Alex should sit down with her and just tell her, no bullshitting it." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"I think that's what I'm gonna do, Alex are you okay with that?" He asked looking over at his boyfriend.

"Yeah. I'll do anything if I get to be with you." Alex said with a smirk.


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