Text Messages

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Okay so I just wanted to say Alex and Jack make fun of their moms in this chapter, I do not mean any of the jokes, Mrs. Gaskarth and Mrs. Barakat are amazing women. Just wanted to tell you know.


Alex sat in the back watching Zack play some pointless game about shooting people, he was bored out of his mind.

"Zaacckkk, I don't understand the game." He said in his whinny voice.

"You kill all the bad guys." Zack said bluntly not taking his eyes off of the screen before him.

"Why? What if the guys you think are bad are actually the good guys?" He asked rupping his chin at his own question.

"Okay don't you have somewhere else to be?" Zack asked annoyed by his friend.

"No." Alex said smiling widly at him.

"JACK!" Zack yelled out pausing the game.

Jack came in with his phone in his hand looking tired. "What?" He asked looking at Alex then Zack.

"Can you please take care of your friend, he's annoying me." Zack said smiling at Alex.

Alex stood up from where he sat. "Hurtful." He said walking over to Jack who was laughing "I was just asking questions." He then added holding his chest were his heart is.

"Come on Alex lets go into the other room and leave mean Zack alone to play with his video games." Jack said grabbing a hold of his friends arm and pulling him out of the room.

"I was just asking questions." Alex said as him and Jack sat down at the table.

"I know you were." Jack said reaching over and patting Alex's shoulder.

They sat there in an comfortable silence until Jack's phone started to vibrate signaling he had a text masssage. Alex looked over at Jack with a raised eyebrow. "Who you texting?" He asked leaning over trying to read the message Jack was trying to hide.

"Your mom." Jack said laughing.

"Shut up, my mom doesn't even like you." Alex said leaning back into his seat crossing his arms.

Jack started to laugh even more. "Not true your mom adores me, I'm the son she wished she had." He said placing his phone back down onto the table.

"No, I'm the perfect son, your mom loves me everyday and night." Alex said laughing as Jack stuck his tongue out at him. "In fact she thinks I have a flawless body." He added smiling.

Jack reached across the table smacking Alex lightly on the head. "Shut up." He said as his laughing stopped. "It's sad that, that is true." He said as Alex erupted in laughter.

"Bout time you faced the facts." He said as he wiped a tear from his eyes from laughing so hard. "But seriously who are you texting?" He asked.

"Scarlet." Jack said looking Alex in the eye.

Alex's face fell. "Oh really? Are you claiming your love to her?" He asked trying to make a joke.

Jack let out a small laugh. "No, I was asking her if she wanted to come to our next show I really want you guys to meet her." He said putting on a wide smile.

Alex's body froze at Jack's words, he didn't want to meet her. He would like to think of her as no one but if he met her thats means she would be real and Alex didn't want that. He put on a fake smile as he looked back at Jack.

"So you're gonna like introduce her to your second family?" He asked talking about the band.

Jack nodded his head. "Yeah, I really want you to meet her, you being my best friend I want you two to get along." He said watching Alex closely.

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