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Please watch the video, the comments give a little context to it

We have to remember that there are still other problems in the world than corona, and stopping rasicm.

I realised the problem as soon as i entered the comments, because as they said, not enough people know about this.

And this isnt some movie intro or outro, no, this is the real world.

a person in the comments said something like "honkong being a police redgiment(?) Isnt even an exageration anymore"

Please, spread awareness of whats happening.

NoLimitsToDreams Glue-Eater MeloMonade _GayBeaverBoi_ Emmie_Temmie_The_2 Emmie_Temmie i-like-dolphins Kitty_Toast
Im sorry if im tagging some people that dont really know me, i just chose from the @ list that popped up

So please, this was LAST year, and its still happening.

Please spread awareness of this happening (tag people if you want, share it on discord, whatever, but please)

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