chapter 3: a dream or a nightmare?

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Rosabella's Pov.

I was sleeping in my bed peacefully and had a dream.

I was walking around and met with 5 boys that looked like does daemos boys and showed there grown age it was them!
I took a step but I disappeared.
I was shocked of what I saw in my dream. My head was sweating I got a bit scared so I went back to sleep and didn't have a dream eny more....

3rd person's Pov.

Ava and the boys were already awake and screaming at each other that made Rosa wake up "Assmiliate? "ava said and laugh"she mockes us? "Leif said "no no no its just you said ass!"she said while laughing that made Rosa confused "av what does that mean? "Rosa said ava stopped laughing and looked at Rosa with a confused look at Rosa face "up! Nothing! "ava said nervously she didn't want Rosa to know bad words cause she was too young for it ava said that she will be getting clothes for the boys she took off with asch,noi and Peirce and Rosa was left with Leif and Rhys. Rosa just went to get coffee and drink it while the boys do what ever they where supposed to do ava came back from the grocery store and looking confused that where is Rosa and the Two boys Rosa was just next to ava. Ava was shock scared of Rosa "hi... "Rosa said "there at that wall over there..."Rosa said pointing at the wall "your majesty this way!"Rhys said while the boys went in so did ava,rosa just followed ava since she didn't know what to do. They went in "what do you think? "Rhys said "it's perfect "asch said while ava ya know fainted again and woke up in a few minutes "this is really real..."she said while Rosa looking at her "this might help.."Peirce said he took a munchies crushed "great you stool stuff I'm just gonna take this and bring it back to the grocery store "ava said Wich was a lie well Rosa just followed her."you know you can go to your room if you want or maybe your hungry"ava said "I'm just hungry..." Rosa said so they ate the munchies. The boys came out of there pocket castle after they were done eating "human do you remember are name's? "Rhys said "of course!" ava said "Umm that's Rhys and that's Peirce..." ava said and has a bad remembering every one of them "ah Ha! Noi,asch and Leif! "ava said "Wow good job! "noi said with a little chuckle "I'm going to go to my room... "Rosa said a little tired and went to her room then ava made a promise with the boys a bit later everyone was asleep except Rosa.rosa went to her big sister's room "a-ava can I sleep with you...?"she said ava gave a little nod and pat the bed beside her and Rosa went there and they hug each other.

In the morning the boys went to ava's room and ava was awake but Rosa still sleeping ava tried to still get her to sleep since she was still a little girl until ava screamed Rosa woke up and had a confused look she tried to get out but Leif grabbed her "where do you think your going~"Leif said holding on to Rosa, Rosa was already scarred "p-plz l-let me g-go..." Rosa said scared Leif didn't let go until Rosa did something she didn't know they where shock of what happened Rosa was using magic everyone was shocked of what happened Leif go blast right at the back of Rosa until Rosa fainted.....

Rosabella's Pov.

I woke up with a worried ava "A-ava? "I said she hugged me not that tight as long as I can breath "Are you alright did something hurt?! How did you get magic by the way? " ava said panicking "I.... I.... Don't know... And I'm fine..."I said with a fine smile we both went out of the room the boys where glad that I was okay but Mr. Hot head didn't he's still mad like he always does "how did you get a diamond mark on your hand and your eye?"Rhys said "I don't know...." I said a bit confused too.

After we both got them dressed up...

"Umm av you alright...? "I said "y-ya I'm okay! "she said her face was red "why didn't you fully dressed us?"asch said "we both don't want to be in the bottom part and we already showed you how to do the other stuff now come on let's go now!"she said she said and went outside.

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