seashoreʼs kismet

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seashoreʼs kismet

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seashoreʼs kismet

i serenely watched the tranquil scenery, witnessing how the golden flares of the afternoon sun dared itself to dive unto the inscrutable ocean. only the oddly satisfying music of the turbulent waves can be heard as it ceaselessly tried to reach for the white sandʼs embrace. it was agonizing, for they can never stay in each otherʼs arms; the sand was left with nothing but the soft tails of white foam as the waves return to its azure home.

the sand was such a mooncalf for it foolishly waits until the waves attempt to reach for it once more, withstanding all adversities. and maybe, i am as featherheaded as the sand; because just like the sand, i can only wait for your unfeigned return.

holding the beautifully thorned scarlet rose you gave before you left—just like the white foam of the waves—i will dreadfully wait. in the place where we started and where we ended, in the seashore of which holds the same kismet as we have—i will wait for you, foolishly.

foolishly, i will.

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