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I woke up because of the sudden pain in my tummy, I was writhing in pain as I opened my eyes and only the light from our lamp is the only source of light around our room.

I can't move badly because the pain and ache keep getting worse, and after a few seconds of whimpering in pain suddenly a lot of water rashes from my underwear, which means that my water breaks.

"G-Gunner," I try to lift my hands and touch his arms as he sleeps beside me, "Hmm," he groans as I tap his shoulders.

"G-Gunner w-wake u-up," I try my best to sit but my stomach aches so bad, and my breathing suddenly becomes slow because I'm losing straight because of the pain.

"Gunner!!!!" That's when he slowly opened his eyes and when he saw me in pain, he quickly sat and held my hand. "Is it the time?" he asked as his eyes widened, staring at his tummy.

I nodded, and that was the go signal, where he quickly stepped out of the bed and ran through the walk-in closet where he got my pregnancy bag and grabbed the car key. "Wait for me here," he said and ran out of our room leaving the door wide open.

I watched him run down the first floor and after a few seconds, I heard him opening the Car engines before he came back here inside our room and carefully carried me down the garage.

"Ok, hang in there Beb," he whispered before he kissed my forehead close the door here in the back seat, quickly sat on the driver's seat, and drove our way fast to the hospital.

Until we entered the delivery room, he didn't let go of my hands and kept on cheering me up because he knew he couldn't do anything to lessen the pain.

"Push Mrs. Tyson, I can already see the head of the baby," The Doctor said and with that, I keep pushing. The pain is unexplainable...

I don't have any energy right now, pakiramdam ko hinihigop ang lakas ko at para akong nawawalan ng hangin sa aking katawan pero nagagawa ko paring sundin ang sinasabi ng doktor.

"I'm here Beb, we can do this come on push," Gun whispers in my ears as I grip his hands and he wipes my tears.

"A little bit more Mrs. Tyson," the doctor said and there I go pushing all I can, "Ahhh!!!!!!" I shouted and after a second, an angel's harmonic cry surrounds the whole delivery room.

I close my eyes and rested my head so weakly, "Oh god, she's here," mahinang sambit ni Gunner bago ako nito hinalikan sa noo at nagsimulang lumuha.

I open my eyes and his smile flashes on my sight as I look at the nurse holding my angel, walking towards our place, and letting the baby rest on my chest. This little angel stopped crying as I touched her tiny hand.

Gunner and I look at each other before he smiles and we both cry as he leans his forehead towards mine and looks at our little angel.

"Welcome to our simple world," I whisper and kiss this little angel.

"What's her name?" I asked him as he looked at me, Gunner smiled and let this little angle hold his pointing finger.

"Hermione Naivy Minami Tyson, '' he whispered and looked into my eyes.

And tears fall from his eyes, "Thank you for giving me a new whole world with the both of you."


1 year passed by,

"Our latest update on the weather at our destination will be given as we approach Hokkaido, Japan," I fix my cardigan as the announcement here on the plane was announced, and glance at my husband, who's sleeping with Naivy on his chest.

Needs and Wants (Law of Attraction Series # 5)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon