Chapter 14

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a/n: check out my other story >:) heh enjoy <3

Atsumu's Pov

We heard recognizable voices coming towards the locker room. i immediately knew who they were hearing my brother's voice. My eyes widened in the process and kawa looked at me. Judging by my face, i'm pretty sure he knew as well.

The door knob was slowly opening and there was no way in hell I was going to meet my brother at a place like this. If I have to ever see him again then i'd rather it be somewhere else. It looked like kawa wasn't going anywhere so I looked around quick and threw myself in the closet.

I didn't close the door completely so I could see them and I saw him. My twin brother. He looked, so- so alike me. I mean were twins of course but seeing him made me want to cry. He probably dyed his hair grey since our original hair color is brown.  Beside him was Sakusa.

I thought he was a germaphobe so why was he here?

They were standing there watching Iwaizumi hug Oikawa. I really wanted to leave the closet but I couldn't. I saw Osamu walk up a bit. It looked like he was going to ask kawa something but before he could Iwaizumi grabbed Oikawa's arm and dragged him away somewhere else.

I hated tight spaces so much, so I tried to not make any noise but of course nothing ever goes my way.

The boys were still in the room standing there. I moved a bit accidentally hitting my head on the hanger rack which made a noise. My eyes widened and I peeped through the hole to see if they were still here and they were.

"Bro... did you hear that?" Bokuto turned around looking at where the noise game from.


"Yeah. It came from the closet.." Kuroo got up and walked up to it.

"Wait! Don't open it." Bokuto stopped him.


"What if there's a monster in there." Bokuto shivered.

Are you serious?

"Bo, please." Kuroo laughed.

Okay, now this fully confirms that God hates me. I felt a sneeze coming up and holding sneezes was something I couldn't do. I covered my mouth when I felt it coming and shut my eyes tight. The smallest noise came out and I thought no one heard it.

"Um... hah okay, I definitely heard a noise in there." Kuroo nervously laughed and stepped back.


"Ugh, you guys are so childish." I recognized that voice. Please Please NO!

I heard foot steps coming towards the closet. They grabbed the handle and swung it open

They stood frozen right in front of me. "Wha- Sumu..."

heh ;p

yall my fingers work fast. i wrote 3 chapters of the iwaoi story and 2 for this damn in less then 3 hours.

cya in the next one <3


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