Chapter 16

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a/n: i was just at 2.2 yesterday now i'm at 2.5k ty 💕

Iwaizumi Pov:

We got out of the car and started walking into the club. It was really full so there must've been an important event. The guard told us to show ID and we were able to walk in. 

I took a look around and the place did look really nice. There were male and female dancers so it probably was a one of those type of clubs.

Bokuto suggested we go get some drinks so we went over to the bar and sat down, ordering some drinks. I only ordered a beer not wanting to get drunk.

My mind was running though so many thoughts. Most of them on Oikawa. The teacher had mentioned his name but why wasn't he in class?

Everyone else was talking amongst themselves whilst I just sipped my drink. I got a notification from my phone and took it out from my jacket pocket checking who texted me.

"hey, iwa-chan ♡"

It was Azume.

She had been texting me non stop and I don't know why. She's a pretty girl but i'm not interested in her. We still keep in contact though, ever since Oikawa went missing. I should probably tell her I found her brother.

I replied to her message and turned off my phone. Bokuto, Kuroo and Daichi were having a drinking challenge while Osamu and Sakusa were talking. Ushijima left somewhere and I was just here.

It was kind of boring so I was going to get up and walk around when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a girl in lingerie and heels. She was probably one of the dancers here.

"Hey there sexy, would you like a special dance?" She winked at me and grabbed my hands, placing them on her waist. 

I froze in my spot not knowing what to do. I heard Bokuto whistle. Mother fucker was drunk as hell. I rolled my eyes and took my hands off her. "No thanks."

"Aw, that's a shame." She rolled her tongue . Ew! "You have a girlfriend?"

No I don't, i'm just not..." I looked her up and down. "interested."

She caught onto it and rolled her eyes, clicking her teeth. "Whatever." She turned around and walked over to some other guy climbing on top of him. 

I sighed and got back down in my seat. Just then Daichi got up and, knocking over the chair. 

"You okay bro?" Kuroo asked, picking up the chair.

"I- is that Suga?" He squinted his eyes in the direction and ran over.

We all looked at each other and ran to go catch up with him. He was looking around in every direction. He was drunk so he was probably imagining things. 

"Bro, are you sure your not seeing things?" Bokuto placed his hands on his shoulders.

"I mean, I thought it looked like Suga." He sighed, sounding kind of sad and walked back over to the bar.

We just sat chilling and talking.

"Yo, we should explore this place." Kuroo suggested.

"Ye, no." I looked at him and shook my head. We were not about to explore a club. 

"C'mon Iwaaaa~." Bokuto pleaded and the rest didn't really seem to care so I gave in.

We walked around passing by dancers and drunk people. I tried not to bump into anyone since the crowd was tights. Some how, we pushed past the crowd and ended up in a hallway. Ushijima sped walked first and stopped at a table full of magazines. 

Bokuto and Kuroo walked over opening every single door. These idiots. I could hear voices in one of the rooms so I told them not to open it but they never listen to me.

Bokuto got up to the door that said 'locker room' on it and twisted the knob to the room. I was going to turn around and leave, not wanting to invade anyone's privacy but I stopped in my tracks.

Were my eyes deceiving me or was Oikawa actually standing right there in front of us.

"T- tooru?"

He stared and me and didn't move his gaze. I moved up and pulled him into a tight huge. Like my life depended on it. "I missed you so much, i'm so sorry." I felt my self tearing up a bit. He didn't hug back though, probably still in shock. 

Everyone was silent, watching us and I didn't want them listening on our conversation so I pulled back from the hug and grabbed his arm pulling him out the room. "W-what a-are you d-doing?" I missed his voice so much even if he stuttered a bit.

He tried to pull back but I quickly tight my grip on his wrist not tight enough to hurt him though. "I need to talk to you."

I took him outside and we walked to the right side of the building. I leaned against the wall and brought him closer to my chest, sliding down on the ground. It was quiet for a bit until I felt something wet on my shirt. Was he crying? 

"Hey Tooru, look at me." I cupped his cheek and bought up his face to he could see mine. I took my hand and wiped the tears that were coming down his face.

The silence began again. I could only here the faint sound of music coming from the club and his sniffles. 

He buried his face in my chest and started shaking a bit. I looked at what he was wearing and from the looks of it, he probably worked at that club. I brought him closed and rapped my arms around him to give him warmth. 

I could feel my face heating up but thankfully he couldn't see it. I wasn't going to force words out of him since he looked like he wasn't ready although I really wanted to know what happened. 

"You don't have to tell me anything but I just want to know how your doing. I looked for you for so long and thought i'd never find you." I ran my fingers through his hair to calm him down since he was still crying.

"I-I really missed you Iwa-chan." It's been 5 years since I heard that nickname. A smile gradually grew on my face. I couldn't help it.

"I missed you way more Kawa." I rested my head on his and rubbed circles on his back. 

We sat in silence just enjoying each others comfort but we were interrupted soon after by a voice. 

"U-um Kawa." I looked up to see who it was. Instantly I knew it was Osamu's twin since they really do look like a copy and paste of each other as Bokuto once said. Tooru lifted his head from my chest to as him what was wrong.

"C-can w-we please g-go?" His voice cracked up and he looked like he was about to cry.

Tooru looked to turn to me and I knew what he was trying to imply. I smiled at him and nodded telling him it was okay for him to go.

I watched them walk hand in hand, slowly disappearing from my sight. I sighed and leaned back on the wall. I looked up at dark sky. Those endless nights of praying finally came through. 

My phone started ringing not so long after so I took it out to check who it was.

It was Azume again.

I sighed, picking up the call bringing my phone up to my ear.


"Hi Iwa-chan~"

I never liked when she called me that. I've told her many times but she never cared to listen to me so I stopped even caring even though it didn't sound the same.

"Guess what?"


"I'm coming to Tokyo!"

sorry for any spelling mistakes. next chapter is in the works ;)

bye luvs <3


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