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SO here is the sneak peek of next interview 

I know she is a queen I don't need to tell you all  but I will  give you hints and you will have to guess the one who will guess will get 2 follows from me and a shoutout at last of the interview here are the hints 

                                 💥DON'T ANSWER HERE DO TELL YOUR ANSWER IN MY PM💥

 ↪She is queen of plot twists her each and every chapter will have a plot twist

↪She is right now writing a jin fanfic in which there is a love between CEO and MAID

↪Her one line discription is enought to attract readers 

↪Her description of one of the books is 

"Uniform? Clothes are 100% off when you work for daddy."

Let's see who guesses it 

All the best !!

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