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Thanks alot  for accepting this requesT unnie it's an honour to talk to you 

its my plesasure too dear 

that's so humble of you 


1. first question to you is how did you find about wattpad and how did you thought of writing and was someone there who inspired you to write?

1) A friend of mine told me that there are free books available on an app called Wattpad and that's how I entered this world full of beauty and tbh, there wasn't anyone who inspired me to write, I barely show my work to anyone but once I put my work online, I did get some constructive suggestions by taking part in awards on Wattpad which kind of made me better.

oh thanks lovely friend you gave us such an author 'Please say thank you to her from my side '

Sure sure !

2. Did you ever thought your book will reach this much of reads and you will get so much of recognisition from readers?

2) I had my account made in 2017 but I started using it in 2020 during the pandemic. I didn't expect I would get anyone who would read my books but tbh, I really got a good response in the past one year and people are actually liking it.

yessss weee aaaaaaaaaaareeeeeee loving it 

sorry I am crack head 

ayiie no

3, which part of the story you found hardest to write ? and what did you feel when readers showed tfheir reaction?

3) I am not able to write fighting scenes, I am extremely terrified when it comes to the part of action and I guess I need to work on it since that's kinda important in the book.

well you are doing great and you will do more better well we like it *winks*

ayiie thanks *winks back*

4.what was your first when you realised that you are getting the fame you deserve?

4) Tbh, I was just surprised when I saw people reading my books since I was not very sure about my work but I guess if I work on the editing and everything, things are gonna be good.

well you gonna reachhh million in futre

[J]hope so 

you can change it know 


5..did you ever feel that you are lacking somewhere in writing ?and your plot is not good or got demotivated ?

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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