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Thank you so much for aggreeing to my request I love you so damn much I AM SURE your readers will be really happy with this interview 

I hope I asked all of the questions you wanted to ask her 

I am honoured to have you as my guest of honour thanks again for this 

love you💕



1.first question to you is how did you find about wattpad and how did you thought of writing and was someone there who inspired you to write?

1. Alright so I found out about Wattpad when I was 13. That was like.. 4 years ago I guess ? At first I started reading fanfictions on Youtube and most of the authors have Wattpad accounts so I was like, okay let's see what is this app called Wattpad. Then I started reading fanfictions there too before decided to publish my own when my elder sister encouraged me to do so and of course, in English instead of Malay. I've been writing since I was 9. It's my passion since then 'till now. The only difference is 2018 was the year I gained my courage fully to publish a story and share it with others. So basically, I am my own inspiration

I am happy you decided to publish the stories and thanks to your sister too I hope you and your family is totally fine 

2. Did you ever thought your book will reach this much of reads and you will get so much of recognisition from readers?

2. Of course not. My English is not that good, my grammar mistakes are undeniable, they're all over each books. So I thought my books won't have even a thousand of read plus I never plan to have so many reads because everytime, in my mind, there's only one thing ; I just want to write because that's what I love to do. So looking at my books right now and how far they've become, I feel proud of myself and shocked of course

You should be really proud and we really enjoy your books and I assure you we don't even get those mistakes we ain't an english proffesor 

3, which part of the story you found hardest to write ? and what did you feel when readers showed tfheir reaction?

3. For me, the hardest part to write is the fighting scene. Since I'm still learning and improving my English, I still haven't master all those types of movements and body parts. So when it comes to fighting scene between gangsters for example, I would rather just start it and ended it a few seconds after as if the time skips because I'm not good in describing the fight itself so yeah. I feel so happy and it is so endearing to know that people are wasting their time on my not-so-good books and even drop comments on it despite the fact that sometimes other people won't agree with their opinions. I appreciate each comments, each reactions. For me, they are the reason my writing and my plot are getting better.

ommy GOD you are so humble and we are so grateful and thankful to you authors like you are so precious 

no baby you all are so precious to me 

yee I am crying [host of interview is judging me hardly]

don't cryyy awwie

4.what was your first when you realised that you are getting the fame you deserve?.

4. Ooooo, I never thought actually. I never set the goal to be famous, to get the fame I am getting right now. Doing something that I love is something that will never be a burden to me and I'm grateful to God for giving what I have right now although I am still shocked by it. Everytime I open my Wattpad account, I was like.. Is this really my account ?

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