chapter one

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"y/n?? are you awake?" you feel a tapping on your shoulder," y/n? get up we're super late! cmon" the tapping gets a bit faster, you slowly open your eyes to see Sapnap,

"Sapnap?" you say while studdering a bit "

Y/n get up we are going to be late to go to Books-a-Million, i want to get new mangas with you, sapnap takes the blanket off of you and starts picking you up "i dont want to go!" you say while acting like a 5 year old pouting, "y/n get up or no pancakes for breakfast" you get up super fast and start running downstairs " NOT IF I GET THEM FIRST" you rush downstairs to see your mom making a fruit salad and some macaroons" Goodmorning ma" you reply with hugging your mom " good morning sweetie, sorry I didn't tell you Nick was coming here" you cross your hands "its okay but don't let him in next time" you quickly go to your bathroom and start turning the faucet and you get your rope and your phone ready, rushing upstairs while getting your favorite naruto shirt and getting a backpack with adding 2 attack on titan mangas inside with a bunny hat, a water bottle, and your Nintendo switch.

you hug your mom goodbye and you start tieing your shoes "are you done yet?" you look up and see Sapnap. oh Sapnap um, how long have you been waiting "for 2 hours straight" you get a bit surprised and start running towards sapnaps car " im so sorry sapnap! i shouldnt have done that im so sorry" you start saying sorry many many times "damn don't say sorry so much, do you want to play a song? yeah sure why not, you turn on "Thats What I Like by bruno mars

"seriously y/n" you look at sapnap while bopping your head to the beat, c'mon sapnap don't be that way its a great song, " anyways, you know my friends karl and the rest?" um no? you say while looking outside of the window "oh well do you want to meet them? i mean cough you dont have any friends except me " wow what a way to be rude you say while pushing his arm a little bit while you both laugh , "but yeah sure i don't mind meeting up with them" alrighty.

(THIS TOOK SO LONG HOLY GOD, anyways please enjoy!)

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