dad..whos she.

13 0 1


i burned the cake augh

 you sigh while you open the oven door and see your cake completely ruined . it was your parents anniversary and they wanted a cake. your out of time and theres no time to get a cake from the nearest bakery .

you havent seen your dad in so long

/due to work/

and this was the first time youve seen him in months, he works pretty far and he usually goes to his friends house for the night. we never heard of his so called "friend" and we wanted to meet them and thank them for taking care of my father.

he never said anything about them, when i question my dad about them he always gets mad at me, 

i mean its not my fault lol, im done with everything and i have a perfect life.

what could go wrong?

"awh shit what do i do now, i cant even cook a cake??"  you take off your apron and your grab your car keys and headed to my car.

you start your car and head to the nearest bakery, it wasnt so far away just a 5-10 minute drive, you start playing some music while watching the sunset and driving, but then all of a sudden you stop at the stop light and you turn off the radio. you look at a black car right next to your car.

you grab your glasses and put them on and check again.

the person in the black car was a women ive never seen before. and my


my dad?!

what is my dad doing a random ladies car!??!. 

while your watching with your eyes wide open, the green light goes on and someone beeps.

your now driving off to the bakery trying to forget about what you just saw.

your dads hands.

on that women..

and kissing her.

on the lips?!..

your arrive at the bakery and you park your car, while walking you see that women and your dad again.

walking to the same bakery. 

you walk in and your dad bumped you on accident.


"oh sorry ma'am im just-"

you and your dad look at each other for 10 seconds, but you break eye contact and you get your cake. 

when you get into the car, your about to call your mom but then you see the lady again kissing my dad. you take around 10 pictures of them and then you call your mom.


"yes sweetie whats up? im coming home! is your dad there yet?"

mom.. dads kissing some lady...

"Attachment: 10 pictures."

"...what is going on y/n."

look mom, i was getting the cake at the bakery and-

your mom ended the call on you and all you could do was just sigh

"its been a hard day im just tired smh, you drive back home and you arrange everything, until you get a call from your mom again 

hello mom?

"sweetie. im coming home. i printed out the pictures and i got divorce papers."


you ended the call trying your best to not think anything of it. and you call alex.


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