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"Where are they?!" A figure that was roughly 20 feet tall shouted out in the dark.

To be more precise, he was a Titan, clad in Stygian Iron armor with a single diamond on his breastplate and on his head was a bear-shaped helmet.

His shout fell through and reached nothing, the sound of his voice soon disappearing as if he hadn't shouted with all his might to the darkness of the abyss. The Titan's matching blue-white eyes and hair that was peeking under his helmet was a big contrast to the dark, night sky in the forest. It enhanced the coldness he was radiating.

A mischievous laugh was heard right after, it's source coming from the shadows and abyss from where he had just shouted to. Compared to the harsh and angry sound the tall figure had just made, this one was softer. More smoother.

"You dare laugh?!" The tall figure boomed, patience already run dry.

"How foolish of you to think that I will keep them anywhere near me when I know you are in search for them," said the voice from the shadows, their voice slowly changing from soft to hard, any pleasantries that may have been said were immediately casted away when he had shouted again.

"Finding your sacred items is far from impossible my dear granddaughter of mine," He growled, taking a step forward before spinning around, not knowing which direction to speak at because she remained cloaked in the darkness. "You may have hidden them, but I will find them and I will get my hands on them. They will be in my possession and all your efforts to keep it away from me will utterly be in vain."

There was no response for quite some time, boosting the confidence and ego of the person standing alone in the middle of nowhere.

Just as he was about to walk away, he stopped in his tracks when he heard her clicking her tongue in distaste.

"I see that ever since you have been resurrected, you have become much braver and more talkative," She points out and clicked her tongue once again. "But alas, words can only get you so far. Especially when there is nothing to prove it."

The person in the shadows finally stepped out, taking off the cloak of the Mist that covered her to keep her hidden.

A beautiful lady with striking green eyes that looked to be glowing in contrast to the dark, wavy auburn locks falling down to her shoulders, face pale and ageless, as if she hadn't aged at all. Her body covered in a deep red silk dress and a crown that adorned her head perfectly. Two animals were on either side, staying close to their master while eyeing the figure in front of them.

Although she was much shorter than the 20 feet tall figure, that was the only thing she lacked.

Her facial expression showed no sign of fear. In fact, it actually looked like she was quite amused, her stance was loose and carefree - as if she knew that the person in front of her wasn't strong enough to take her on - and her aura radiating confidence and raw power.

"You may have risen from the dead this time, but mark my words, this will be your first and last time slipping past Death's grip."

The figure clenched their fist as they gritted their teeth in anger, and when he tried to speak, the lady spoke first; leaving him quiet, frustration rising when he realized he literally couldn't speak. This angered him, wondering how someone like her had enough power to keep someone like him restricted with no struggle.

"I am not finished," She hissed.

"A demigod defeated you last time and sent you to the depths of Tartarus, what's to say it won't happen again?" She started to walk closer to him, pacing around him in a taunting manner. "The darkest and deepest place for people like you. The perfect place for you to reside in. You will return, I assure you that. And you will have no way to ever acquire my possessions."

"But it won't be me who will send you back there," She smiled viciously. "No, it will be my child that will get rid of you and bring you back to Tartarus. Only this time, it's permanent."

He broke free from the magic keeping him locked in place and kept him silent, quickly turning around to face his granddaughter.

He scoffed. "Your child? Someone from the Titan Army? You think that they will have the gall to raise their hand against me and make it out alive?"

"Maybe living in Tartarus for so long ruined your memories. Or was it the effect of being resurrected?" She taunted even more, glancing at him and smirks when it's working. "I have other children, don't you remember?"

It took some time, but she gave a small smile when she noticed his eyes flash in recognition.

"Yes, my demigod children."

"Preposterous! You will be sending your child to their death. You think they can defeat me?! The Titan Lord of the North, the Titan of Farsight and Foresight?! Have you forgotten that I am Koios, the son of Gaea and Ouranos?!"

"Have you forgotten that it was a demigod that defeated and brought you to Tartarus the first time?" Her voice was loud and authority was clear in her tone. "And it will be a demigod that will do the same to you, once again."

Krios slammed both his balled fists down, aiming for her, however, when he lifted his still closed fists, there was nobody there. He snarled and turned around to see her behind him with her two animals in front of her, weight on their hind legs, ready to attack for their master.

"Oh? Is being defeated by a demigod a sore topic for you?"

He lunged but missed all over again.

"Well, it'll change. Make sure to inform your dear brothers why you're back in Tartarus in the future okay? That you were defeated by the children of the gods whom you loathe so much."

Krios stopped attacking, finally using his words instead of his fists. If that was how she was doing it, he'd do it to.

"I would like to see how well your child would cope when I send some of my personal militia on their path to me," He started, looking down to see the slightest knit of her brows. "I mean, they wouldn't be worth killing if they aren't able to get through little obstacles. And my dear granddaughter, I hope you haven't forgotten that I can see the future."

The lady's two animals started to screech and howl, feeling their master's sudden aggravation.

Krios grinned wickedly in triumph. "You'll regret sending your child to block my path. I thought you had already learned your lesson after being the god who had lost the most children in the Second Titan War."

He expected for her to snap.

But when she didn't, it was his turn to furrow his brows.

Instead, she boldly looked up at him, jaw clenched and the wind started to pick up around them. A green aura was now visible around her.

"My child will not lose to the likes of you. You will be the one to perish by their hand. And I will never be losing any more of my children because of your kind."

"My kind? You don't mean a Titan, do you? Because after all, you are one too. A third generation Titan."

Koios was about to relish in the expression the goddess was making when a familiar scenery appeared. The never-ending darkness that belonged to the one and only Tartarus, the smell of ichor because of the endless fights him and his brothers would have because they were stuck and unable to leave.

But Koios was able to leave.

So why did it feel like he was back?

He remained frozen, eyes wide as the scene he was experiencing looked eerily similar to the Underworld, until it faded and the scene in front of him returned to the dark night sky.

He looked around and found out she was gone. Koios frustratingly swiped his hand, bringing down the trees around him before stomping on the ground, creating a dent.

"We'll see how confident you'll be when I tear your child limb from limb," He spoke to the vast distance, voice oddly calm and collected.

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