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"That was a friendly warning," You scowled before turning away from him and walking back to Tzuyu who had concern written all over her face.

"Y/N..." Tzuyu tried to say something only to stop when you shook your head.

"I need to go," You said before using the Mist to envelop around you to make the crowd, including Tzuyu and the two kids who had trespassed in the Hecate cabin unable to see where you had gone.

The only thing they saw was you slowly disappearing until the spot you were in was empty, as if you were never there.

But in reality, you just used the Mist to change what they were previously seeing, into something you wanted them to see. You were still there, just not visible to their sight.

So before the Mist's effects disappeared or waned, you quickly left, heading to the spot behind the Big House. As soon as you got there, you crouched down and took a seat, leaning your back to the wall before cuddling your knees close to your chest and burying your face after.

A shaky sigh escaped your lips after an image you had locked away resurfaced in your mind.

Usually, you were able to make sure your mind was in your control, but because of the guy earlier, a memory you wished never reappeared, appeared.

How did he even hear that rumor? Where did he hear it?

The only people who knew about it was the Hecate cabin and all of you swore on the River Styx to never reveal any of each others' secrets, so it couldn't be any of them.

Trying to rack your brain on who couldn't keep their stupid mouths shut, you lifted your head after hearing the sound of a twig break. Posture getting defensive and ready to attack, only to pause when you meet Joshua's soft eyes.

"Knew you'd be here," He whispered before taking a seat next to you.

"Liar," You mumbled onto your arm after burying your face once again.

"You're right. The crops we were growing in front of our cabin caught a glimpse of you and told me."

You turned to him as he did the same, resting his chin onto the palm of his hand to take a good look at your down expression that you were so badly trying to hide - but failing.

"You okay?" He asked.

"No..." You admitted. "But I won't let the camp know that."

"I know you won't," Joshua stood up and offered you his hand which you took. "There's definitely going to be even more stares from now on, but hey, you have your own protective circle of friends and family."

The corner of your lips twitched, however they remained a small frown.

"We won't let anyone do anything to you," He squeezed your hand. "Although you can handle them just fine... let us do it for you sometimes."

Joshua looked at you, and you ended up nodding along.

"Good, now let's go. Your siblings are definitely worried and we Demeter kids have some fruits and vegetables that just ripened. Don't tell the rest of the Hecate cabin that you're getting them first though."

As the two of you emerged from the back of the Big House, you covered the two of you with Mist so that no one knew where you had been hiding - and won't go there in the future - because that was your special hiding place when you needed to be alone.

When you were at a good distance from the Big House, you let go of the Mist and the demigods who were near, jumped back after you had revealed yourself.

cosmos ✗ btsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora