Chapter 6

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I was running, running as fast as my legs could take me. I think I'm carrying something large with another person??? Its hard to tell, everything is moving so fast. But this feels off, I feel threatened like something or someone is going to come after me. Well... at least I know my fight or flight program is working.

All of a sudden I'm in the air, fighting someone. That someone has a weapon, I can just feel it. I strike back but they kept going on. Right before they prepare to strike me in the face, the world goes dark.

I wake up startled, glancing around making sure nothing is out of the ordinary. Yes, everything is the same here. I look at the electronic alarm clock on the nightstand beside me, it being 7 am. I stand up back onto my wheelchair, feeling fatigued and groggy. Probably an aftermath of the injuries. I'm having trouble remembering how I got them... why can't I remember something so serious? 

I head over to a door in my room, assuming its the bathroom. I do my usual morning routine (I may be a robot, but that doesn't mean I don't take care of myself!). I head out before realizing I didn't know my way around this hotel. Dang it, I'll have to ask somebody... Yeah I used to travel and perform yet I always felt a bit anxious when interacting with other people... Not sure why, but I'm pretty sure its because Cobs built me to be more "realistic" or whatever.


Hi everyone, it's... been some time, that's for sure! What's written up above was sitting here for quite a while! And is like what, two years old now??? But seriously, I'm honestly sorry for leaving you guys like this. For the past few years, I've been going through some things such as depression around covid/quarantine which basically took every bit of energy and motivation to do anything I liked, including writing fanfiction. However, I can say that ever since the past year or so, since I took therapy and learned how to take properly take care of myself that it's improved. Every time I log back on to this website, I find myself smiling in the many happy nostalgic memories of reading and writing on here. Yes, I promise I still love object shows don't worry! The nostalgia and memories are too strong for me to actually leave it all behind. But, I've even found tons of new random little stuff I like!!! Anyway, I think I want to write more on here again, it's just stuff in life often gets in the way such as school and whatnot. About this fanfic... I think i want to continue it??? Or perhaps leave this up on here and make a rewritten version of it I guess? I want to keep this up as kinda like an archive of how I was during that time. I'm not a fan of deleting things just because they are old. It's always fun to look through old memories! Finally, if you have any appropriate questions you want to ask me then go on right ahead! Until next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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