Chapter 7

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                                                                                King Khan

         “Where is my Queen Ares?” Khan’s deep English voice booms as he shouts down the great hall to his General. Ares slowly walks towards Khan with his eyes to the floor. The Great Hall used to be the most beautiful room in the whole castle but now that Renee has not returned from her journey it has turned into Khans dark dwelling. The large stain glass windows of our ancestors no longer cast down comforting light across the red carpets. I find no joy in this home without my child and now my Queen has disappeared. I feel as if my hearts beat has slowed and every beat is painful. He watches Ares from his throne as he walks down the black carpet runner to the foot of the throne steps. He kneels before Khan keeping his eyes to the floor. This behavior is giving me the sense that he is hiding something from me. “Ares I will ask one last time, where is my Queen?” He looks to Khan who motions for him to rise from the floor. “King Khan… Our great Queen is…dead.” Pain rips through his body and his throat begins to burn. He can’t help but raise his head and scream into the air. My one love, my bond has been broken. Whoever has murdered her will pay dearly. He look down to Ares, “Who has done this?” Khan slowly rises from his throne and walks down the three steps to where Ares is standing and screams in his face, “WHO HAS KILLED MY QUEEN!?” Ares closes his eyes for a brief moment and then opens them reluctantly. He pulls back his shoulder to shake the fear off his back. “No one has killed her King Khan. She has released to essence to a young girl.” I don’t understand why she would do this to me. Why would she pass on her essence and not tell me that she is doing so? Why would she leave me in this world alone? I have lost my daughter to the disgusting hands of a human and now my own wife has willing left my side. I gave that woman everything she could have wanted and now she lied to me and passed through to the afterlife without me. Anger is pulsing through his veins and he begins pacing back and forth in front of his throne. He turns to Ares who has a look of dread on his face, “Ares do you know who this girl is?” Khan clasps his hands behind his back and stands erect, “Yes my King, She is the Mystic that Queen Renee spoke of many years ago.” Khan tries to rack his memory for the name of the Mystic. It was many years ago when she spoke of a Mystic that was to be born with more power than ever. She had high hopes for her in the Royal Court. Why can’t I remember her name… “Ares, what is the name of the Mystic?”

         “Niki, my King.” Just hearing the name makes my anger rise beyond all comprehension. There is no way that I will let this girl live. She will be made an example of. Just the thought of holding her neck between my hands gives me great joy.

         “Orders my King?” Ares patiently awaits his decision. “Ares, how close to the awaking is this girl?” Ares turns his head to the side in confusion. “Less than 3 weeks my King.” A deep sadistic laugh burrows in Khans throat. “We will wait until she has awakened before we…visit her.” Ares drops his hands to his side and steps closer to Khan, “But my King the Blood Moon is on her awakening.” Khan throws his hand up demanding silence. “Do you not believe that I am stronger than she? Do you not have faith in your King?” He swallows deeply and sweat beads upon his forehead, “Of course you are stronger than she, but why not cut her down before she awakens.” Khans laughs into the air, “What would my subjects think if I killed the girl my Queen released her essence to without a fair fight?” giving Ares a sarcastic smile, “Ares the glory of war is all that is remember when we are gone, and this General…will be remembered.” Ares bows his head to Khan and turns on his heels leaving the Great Hall. He steps echo off the high ceilings and walls reminding Khan that he is utterly alone now. How could she do this to me? I loved her more than words could ever explain and now I am without her and my young daughter. How can life be so cruel to me? I have suffered more pain in the last 2 years than all the 500 years I have lived. Renee was to ride into battle with me against the Human Race. She did not agree with slaughtering the humans but I do not care. They will pay for their ignorance and hatred. The full moon is approaching and I can feel my inner wolf beginning me for war, blood and pain. I will oblige completely.

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