coffee shop

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It was a very cold day in kaduna, I was seating beside a window in a coffee shop, suddenly I saw a lady in red gown coming towards the direction of the coffee shop I was. The closer she came the more I could see her face, finally she came into the coffee shop. I could now see her face properly, she's dark in complexion, has a pointed nose, big round eyes, pink lips, tall and chubby.
    She bought a cup of coffee, walked towards the door, opened it and went out of the coffee shop, I stood up from where I was seating and followed her, at first I was kind of nervous but finally somehow managed to stop her 'hello can we exchange contacts' I said to her after taking a deep breath 'why, do I even know you' she replied, I felt like sinking into the ground after she said that, surprisingly she collected my phone from my hand, added up her number and gave it back to me. I didn't expect everything to be so fast like that. She continued walking till she got to the street stopped a tricycle entered and the tricycle drove off, I kept staring at at tricycle until it disappeared from my view.
        After a while my sister arrived to the coffee shop I was, she came in sat down close to me, so I stood up and got her a cup of coffee and toasted bread, she thanked me and collected it from my hands. When she was done eating, we went out of the restaurant and went home.

As soon as we got home, I took a shower. I wore on a blue pyjamas even though it was in the afternoon but I felt more comfortable wearing it on. I went downstairs and everyone was looking at me I felt kind of weird. ' Mustapha why are you wearing that on, it is not even close to sleeping time ' my mum said looking at me very surprised ' mama I am not going out, I will be at home today throughout' I replied laughing, I myself knew I wasn't doing the right thing.
After all the questioning from my mum and sister, I went to the dining table, served myself some macaroni, it took me 30minutes to finish eating because I am a slow eater. I switched on the television, while I was watching the television I slept off.

   Guess what's on the next chapter, hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

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         Love y'all💓💓💓💓💓💓

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