hanging out

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I woke up to see that everywhere was dark around me, I stood up went to the window, raised up the curtains and saw that it was already dark outside, checked my phone and saw that the time was 9:04PM 'oh my God' I said to myself. I actually had an intention of hanging out with my friends but it's already late.
   I went upstairs to my room and lay down on mt bed, stretched my hand to pick my phone then I remembered that I left it on a coffee stool in the seating room. I stood up from my bed and went downstairs, while I was going down the stairs, I almost stripped of the steps, iwas about to scream but somehow managed to stop myself so that i dont call up anyones attention.
    I silently picked up my phone and went back upstairs. I walked pass my mum's room, I heard my sisters voice talking and laughing with my mum. I am the only boy in the house and my dad is not at home he traveled, I was always left out of everything. I entered my room and sat down on a couch close to my bed, unlocked my phone and turned on my data. So many messages popped up.
    I immediately went to my contact searched for sabyan's number, saw it and sent her a message on WhatsApp, luckily she was active, I waited for about 5mins before she replied.
     We chatted for a while, before we told each other good bye and I turned off my data. I was very happy that night , I just kept thinking about her, I didn't even know when I slept off.

          The next morning I woke up around 5:00am , prayed subh prayer and went back to sleep, around 7:30am I woke up took my bath and got ready work even though I reluctantly got ready. I wore a suit and a black shirt in it.
I went downstairs entered the kitchen, saw mum tearing two noodles sachet, I guessed she was making breakfast for me,I helped her with the cooking. The noodles was already cooked and I made a cup of of tea for myself. I quickly ate the noodles and drank  my tea,picked up my car keys and left
            On my way an accident happened and that suddenly  reminded me  I didn't  pray before  coming out, I anxiously prayed,I felt pathetic for the victims because they were all  covered in blood .
        I arrived at the office still thinking of the accident that happened on the way. I saw some of my colleagues when I entered my work place, we greeted each other then I went straight to my office. I had pile of file waiting to be attended to, just looking at those files got me all hassled up, the pressure was all over me but I still had to do my work.
   It took me an hour to sign all those files and I had to be fast because I promised sabyan we will meet up today. I finished all my work in the office by 2PM. I went out of the office ,entered my car then called her to decide  which  park we will be going  to it took a while but then we decided going to sazmeraj park 'I will be in the park in the next 15to20 minutes' I said to her, see you soon 'she replied '.
      I arrived at the park,when I was getting  out of the car, I heard my phone ringing and she was the one calling ,I immediately answered the phone 'I have been in the park for the past five minutes actually  i thought you would be here before me' she said 'oh sorry I am already here turn to your right' I replied. She looked at me with a happy and surprised face, we had an eye contact which made me more nervous than the day we first meet.

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