Jealousy, Jealousy

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Harry Potter was sitting at the Gryffindor table unharmed. Smiling.

Draco Malfoy had been very excited to go to breakfast that morning. He'd woken up before the others, and when he got too impatient to wait for Crabbe and Goyle to wake up he threw balled up socks at their heads until they finally fused out of their slumber.

He practically skipped down the stairs to the Great Hall.

Draco imagined walking into the Great Hall to see Potter and his nasty Weasley friend nowhere in sight. He had pictured going to every class without a single glimpse of them in the halls or elsewhere. He could even hear the gossip in the Great Hall at lunch, students trading rumours about Potter having been tortured in Filch's office for hours, ripped apart by Mrs. Norris, even strung up outside for the Giant Squid to feast on. He'd tucked himself into bed with that very glorious image, the Giant Squid rising from the depths of the lake, up and up and up... swallowing Potter and Weasley whole...

But they were fine. Not a scratch on them, not a single trace of torture or Mrs. Norris' claws or fear of being fed to a squid at noon. No, they were smiling, talking excitedly to each other over heaping piles of bacon, not a care in the world.

"What are they still doing here? I thought you said-"

"I know what I said," Draco interrupted, glaring at Goyle and storming to the Slytherin table.

He didn't understand. How were they not in detention? Or being punished? Surely Filch had caught them last night. Maybe Filch was waiting to punish them! Making them think they got off the hook before he would string them up for the whole school to see. Or maybe he was discussing the punishment with Dumbledore! If they were expelled, Draco would never have to see them again and the Muggle-lovers would be sent to live with them for the rest of their miserable lives, wands snapped in half for the rest of eternity...

Maybe he could ask Filch for pieces of them later. For safekeeping and a memento to mark the occasion...

"Five knuts says he'll snap the spoon in half."

"Ten says he'll stab himself with it after."

"What are you knitwits talking about?" Draco snapped, diverting his attention to Tracey Davis and Goyle.

Tracey sighed and rolled her eyes. "Damn, he lost focus. And I was just getting my hopes up."

Draco didn't really like Davis. She had short spiky hair that hung into her eyes, and she was one of the taller first years that made him look exceptionally small in comparison. She was also horribly annoying, constantly tossing out snarky remarks that were particularly annoying when aimed at him.

"I asked you a question."

"And I was about to make ten knuts to see you bleed, but alas, Lady Luck isn't on my side."

He glared at her. She stared at him, unamused.

"You were staring at Potter and his friend. Looked right murderous, too," Goyle chipped in.

Draco watched him spear a piece of runny egg on his plate and put it in his mouth. More of it ended up on his face than in it. "Of course I look murderous," Draco sighed, nudging his own food around on the plate. "Those two were supposed to be long gone by now. Unless Filch is planning their doom right now, he's failed us all."

"Long gone? Doom? What on earth are you two talking about?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Keep up, Davis," he thrust his fork angrily in their direction. "We set them up last night. Challenged them to a duel in the Trophy Hall and tipped Filch off. He is not supposed to be here anymore," he spit.

Now Davis roller her eyes. "Merlin, Draco, is this about Harry Potter again? I swear, all you ever do is talk about Quidditch, make fun of Longbottom and complain about Potter. It's like you're obsessed with him."

"Me?" Draco gasped. "Are you daft? Me, obsessed with Potter? You're joking."

Davis grinned. "Oh, hit a sore spot, have I? If you asked me, I'd say you might even be a tad jealous of him."

The table rattled, Draco's fork forcing a dent into the finish on it. "JEALOUS?"

The entire table was looking at him now. Him? Draco Malfoy? Jealous? Of Harry Bleeding Potter? Absolutely not. No. Not a chance.

No, Draco wasn't jealous of Potter! He despised him! Potter was an idiot, hanging out with the Muggle-lovers and refusing his generous offer of companionship. Potter had nothing Draco was jealous of, not a single thing.

He repeated these thoughts, and many similar, to himself for the remainder of the meal, hoping he could stare holes through Potter's thick skull.

The only time he took his eyes from Potter's mess of hair was to return the stare coming from the girl at the end of the table. He sneered at her, not really sure why he expressed his general poor mood to her, but she looked away and so did he and that was that. He went back to making up curses he could've used against Potter had he actually gone to the Midnight Duel.

Draco's Mudblood - Draco Malfoy Fan Fiction - *Year One*Where stories live. Discover now