Late Birthday

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Pansy Parkinson rarely got excited about anything, but when she did, she didn't express this feeling as a normal person would, with a smile or a little bit of volume. No, when Pansy Parkinson got excited, she shrieked.

Like a dying banshee.

"Have you heard?" Pansy swayed her way to the Slytherin table as fast as she could without breaking out into a jog. "There's a party."

Theodore Nott figured it was far too early in the morning to care about this –and too early to screech like a choking owl– but Pansy did it anyway. The rest of the table seemed to agree with him in this thought, holding back groans over bacon and fresh, steaming eggs. Even Millicent Bulstrode suppressed an eye-roll at her friend's excitement.

"We already talked about this, Pansy," Tracey said, unamused.

"And now we're talking about it again," Pansy hissed, giving Tracey a look meant to kill. "It's tonight, and apparently everyone is invited."

Malfoy rubbed his eyes in exhaustion. Pansy seemed to have that energy-draining effect on people. "Of course everyone is invited, it's in our shared common room."

Pansy, graceful as she was annoying, only seemed slightly flustered at this. "Well yeah, obviously, but it just means we can all go." She sat up a little straighter and flipped her hair over one shoulder. "We could even bring dates."

Theodore chose that moment to dial the rest of the conversation out, mind the fact that the party would start after dinner. If all the others planned on attending, even for a little while, that would give Theo time in the dorms alone, without prying eyes...

He still couldn't figure out anything about the mirror. He'd spent more time with Madam Pince than likely any single student in all of Hogwarts History, but not a single book he checked out got him any closer to an answer. Clearly, the mirror wasn't just a mirror, but then what was it? Was it some kind of portal? A time-travelling device? And what was that writing along the top? If Theo could figure it out, maybe he could figure out what the mirror really was-

"Theodore? Hello?"

Theodore came back down from his thoughts to find he was in the corridors now, Isobel peering up at him.


"You really didn't hear a word I said, did you?" Isobel crossed her arms at him, her long braid swishing behind her.

"No, sorry..."

Isobel sighed, looking at him intently. "It's alright. I was just saying that we should go to the party tonight."

Theodore stumbled over his feet. "Sorry?"

Isobel kept walking. "I just think it could be fun. We don't really hang out with the other first years, and everyone in the House is going to be there. It might be nice to socialise, that's all."

Theo couldn't think of anything he'd want to do less than having to hang around the other first years. He was perfectly content with Isobel and Isobel alone. Maybe even Blaise Zambini, though Theodore still wasn't really sure what to call Blaise.

Isobel was the only friend he'd ever need.

But the look of expectancy on her face had made it hard to say no, and so with dinner in his stomach and nerves in his throat, he was led by Isobel and the other first years back to the common room surrounded by excitement and anticipation.

Theo supposed that any Slytherin party would be collected and poised. Silver goblets and cutlery, no finger foods or snacks, but a full five-course dining experience. No birthday cake, because of the mess. Minimal decorations and soft jazz, maybe. A dress code, formal and tidy. Certainly no confetti or balloons or streamers. Definitely no "happy birthday" song...

He was wrong. There were green and silver streamers hanging from the centre chandelier up to the ceiling like a still explosion. Balloons were magicked into letters and snakes all about the room, confetti littering the floors even before the party began. A table opposite the fireplace was covered in stolen candies and bottled soda pops. There was a cauldron brewing in the midst of the collection, and just behind the Slytherin at the pot was a towering birthday cake. Above the fireplace read "Happy Birthday Lucian Boyle", and just below was the lovely addition made by a friend: "Congrats on 14 you old wanker".

Soon, Slytherins filled the common room, including the birthday boy himself, decked out in a shining silver crown of snakes holding emerald green balloons and a matching sash. The music started (definitely not jazz), and soon the fallen confetti was being tossed about in big clouds from dancing. Theodore watched from the corner with Isobel and the others, a goblet of punch in hand, watching Tracey down a her own drink and grimace.

This is definitely not punch.

Isobel smiled at Theo and tried to shout over the noise. "Are you having fun?"

Theo gave a smile he knew was weak, and Isobel laughed, placing her hand in the crook of his bent arm. "Aren't we supposed to be socialising?" He asked her. He could barely hear himself.

She gave him a look, then nodded towards the other first years. Vincent and Gregory had been in a finger painting war, smearing green frosting on each other before turning and attempting to get it on Pansy. Tracey had joined in, and soon all but Blaise, Isobel and Theodore were frosting-free. Even Malfoy had participated, a glob of green sitting on top of his gelled head. "Would you want to socialise with them?"

Theodore laughed despite himself and shook his head. Isobel beamed up at him before turning and producing a small bundle wrapped in brown paper. "Here, take this. I know it's late, but I hope you like them."

He gingerly took the package from her, confusion written all over his face. She gestured he open it, and with a light tug to the twine enclosing it he found an assortment of tools; two different sized shears, a hori-hori, a small compact swiss-knife, a hammer, screw-driver, and a folding hand saw amongst a few nails and pieces of wood.

"What is this?"

"Your late birthday present." He felt his jaw drop, Isobel laughing at his face. "I nicked them from the Herbology sheds last night. I'm not sure if you could use any of these, but I figured some of these might be useful."

His chest felt strange and his hands shook slightly and words tumbled from his mouth before he could do anything to stop them. "I haven't gotten a birthday present in years."

He expected Isobel to gasp and ask why. Tell him his dad was awful for not celebrating his birthday. Or how it was so sad, poor little Theodore, hasn't had a birthday since his mommy died, how horrible. But she didn't. Her eyes seemed to already know. She smiled at him instead, bumping their shoulders together. "Well, get used to it Theo. Now I know your birthday for next year."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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