Chapter 1: Break

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Author's note: alright so Yvana Kaltaris is my OC and Proxina Kaltaris belongs to my beta and the purpose for this story is almost entirely his - I just made the actual plot because I wanted our OCs in the same universe XD


"Alright! That just about does it," Yvana said, brushing her hands clean of the work she had just completed – another night-time raid from the Unyielding Legion on the clan villages for their Songs. Their attacks were becoming too frequent for her liking. She knew she was only really talking to herself, but she didn't very much care.

She looked to the three legionaries bound before her, embarrassed by yet another failed mission, and she holstered her axe and put her hands on her hips. She sighed. She wondered how many more she would put a stop to before they learned that they were no match for her.

How pathetic...

She picked up their sack and looked inside it, filled with Songs from every order, each humming in harmony with the others and glowing bright, complimenting each other. Kneeling in front of the bandits, she tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at them. They were intimidated by the green glow of one, yet the colourless glow of the other. The scar on her right eye shone clear in the dim moonlight and they squinted at her intense gaze, illuminated by the harmonies of the Songs in her hands.

"What could you, albeit losers, possibly want with power you cannot even harness?" she asked leaning into them.

One of the legionaries squirmed.

"We needed the money." The shake in his voice was all Yvana needed to hear to know that she had them right where she needed them.

"You sell these? To whom?"

"We don't know! We never know!"

"Not good enough." Yvana reached for her axe and the bandits shook with fear, wriggling from under their bindings.

"We're telling the truth! We don't know and we don't care! Just so long as we get what they're worth!"

Yvana stopped for a moment and studied the fearsome bandits, narrowing her eyes, darting between the three of them as she scrutinised their words. At the end of the day, it didn't matter what they were going to do with the Songs. All that mattered was that it was stopped and got them back. She could return them to their rightful owners.

She placed her axe underneath the chin of the middle of the three bandits and watched as he shivered at the sensation of cold sharp metal on his skin. With enough pressure, Yvana could slice his neck like a hot knife through butter and put an end to any more thievery.

But where would the fun be in that?

Yvana was many things, and a killer was one of them, but unlike what people would see in her, she was not one to kill unless she was left without another option. She was a vigilante, not a murderer, but sometimes, people cannot be reasoned with and people like that don't deserve a second chance at life. She was not afraid to get her hands dirty when it was called for.

She stood up. There were no more words to be said on the matter for she had possession of the clan's Songs and the Unyielding Legionaries weren't going to be an issue for them any time soon. She had to laugh at how pathetic they seemed – and to think these were the bandits terrorising the Ardoni neighbourhoods frequently.

She turned to look at the crowd of Kaltaris Ardoni that had slowly formed behind her while she questioned the bandits and their eyes all shone in the moonlight, grateful for her assistance once again. The Ardoni weren't reliant on their Songs, but for some, they were an asset that they couldn't live without – a much needed aid in their everyday life. She smiled to them as she handed Master Zulius Kaltaris the sack that she had confiscated from the bandits.

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