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The fathers watched as Eden's friends crowded around Eden and her owl Alba, who was taking his role as a mail owl very seriously, keeping the note that Eden had found earlier in the morning clasped tightly in his beak.

Bella, Nina, Peggy and Saoirse were stroking Alba's silky feathers and were anxious to get their own owls, although Aziraphale had to remind them to talk to their parents about that!

"Oi, settle down now, single file, birthday girl first!" Crowley chuckled as he was nearly knocked over by the five young girls who were anxious to find out which House they would be in.

Crowley had put his knitting skills to good use, yes, the demon was quite good at knitting. He gotten quite engrossed into the craft when his poor angel was confined to bed rest for a short while and to keep themselves discorporating from boredom, Crowley bought his husband a knitting kit and the rest is history.

Anyways, Crowley had hand knitted his very own Sorting Hat hand puppet where all that he had to do was place it on someone's hand, then stick his hand up the back in order to control the mouth to give off the illusion that the Hat was a living being.

"Alright Queenie, hop up." Eden didn't need to be told twice. She nearly toppled over, she was so excited.

Crowley placed the Sorting Hat on her head and all five girls gasped when the Hat talked.

"Eden Alexandria Queen Fell...." Said Crowley in a gravelly voice, quite proud of himself, he had worked practically hard to create the perfect voice for the Hat.

"Yes?" Eden squeaked.

"I see a soul that's brave and true. Patient and loyal to a will be an asset to...." Crowley paused for effect...

"Please say Hufflepuff...." Eden whispered to herself as she crossed her fingers.


Bella, Peggy, Nina and Saoirse cheered that Eden ended up in the house that she wanted.

After the Hat placed the girls in their respectable houses, which fortunetly for the girls, each one ended up in the house they hoped for, it was time for lunch.

Yer a Wizard EdenWhere stories live. Discover now