Chapter 24: Can't Blame A Dude For Trying

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I was falling. Where was I?

"Mom!" I screamed. That's who I wanted and nothing more. She appeared.

"Don't be scared sweetie, everything is going to be alright." She tried to calm me.

"No it's not. Mom, please tel me the truth." I whispered.

"I can't tell you the truth sweet heart, you'll find out the truth soon enough. You know the truth, it's in your heart. My time with you us up sweetie, I'll be back soom." She told me. And with that, she was gone. My eyes were forced closed and I was falling again.

I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. It was as if someone was getting something ready to show me.

I felt myself stp faling and blinked my eyelids open once more. It was black then I heard screams.

"Ahhhhhhh....." It was like I was in the middle of a horror movie.

I felt the familiar pull of falling with your eyes closed.

I snapped my eyes open. I looked to my left. Nothing there except for Tom.

I slowly looked to my right. Nothing there.

Tom stirred in his sleep and sleepily blinked one eye open. By now the body bind had worn off.

When Tom saw me, he jumped up and started running around the arena's perimeter. 

"Tom! Come here boy!" I called over the rocks.

No response. I sighed. I couldn't see anything over the rocks. I whipped my wand out. 

I took some time to admire my wand. Even my friends still marvel at the sight of it. It's a beautiful clear white with a shiny golden handle and hearts carved into it. It was obviously made for me. I always wonder why I have such a wand. Mister Ollivander just says I will find out in time.

"Lignum!" I've been using that spell a lot.

I threw the wood and left Tom to naw on it for a while.

"Now let's clean up." I pointed my wand at my face. "Aguamenti!" Water burst out to cleanse my face.

Little puddles formed on the ground.

I looked in the puddles and gasped at my bed head.

"Tout droit!" My hair was instantly straightened. I popped on my clothes from yesterday with my magic skillz, that's with a Z.

"Okay! All good now let's send a patronus for breakfast." I announced. To myself. I need to stop talking to myself.

I waved my wand in the counter-clockwise position and said "Expecto Patronum!"

A silver wisp of a mermaid appeared in front of me.

"Take this to Harry. Hey Harry, I'm awake and hungry. I'll need three plates of food. Just levitate them. If someone stops you just say you're taking food to me. Come alone. Love you,Bye!" The mermaid who looked oddly like mom swam away into the air and towards the castle. 8 minutes and 33 seconds later, Harry had replied.

"Sure thing Jen, I'll be there in ten. Love you too. Bye!"

"Now......I shall wait." I said straightly.

Harry's POV

I woke up to a glowing mermaid swimming in my room.

Jennifer's patronus.

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