Chapter 3

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Seriously I dont know why I'm having that wet dream about that brat. I cant face him now since it kinda weird. When I saw his face this morning, his image in my dream keep appear in my mind like projector.

To be honest I dont know why that brat like me so much. We are fine before as phi and nong. Then suddenly he confessed that he like me in romantic way. I'm straight for fuck sake. He also keep remind me that I have make a promise with him. I dont remember any promise with him.

I dont wanna think much about this. It really stress me out. But Gulf face when he cum in my dream..... Arghhhh.. What am I thinking??!!!!

Author POV

Mew ruffling his hair in distress. He really not in the mood and cannot focus in class. During recess time, his current GF, Yaya come visit him at his class room. As usual they went to the abandon classroom to make out.

"Mewwwww", Yaya moaning his name between kisses.

They stop kissing when both of them out of breath.

"Mewwwwwww... When can we have sex??" Yaya boldly asking mew.

"Yaya, you know my rule.... I dont do sex."

"But I'm serious about us and I want to feel connected with you.."

"Yaya... You know I never serious... If you start having feeling toward me, we should stop dating each other now..."

What??!!!" Yaya half screaming.

Mew just ignoring Yaya and walk out from the class. Yaya keep calling Mew name but been ignored.

Yes, Mew never do sex even though he have many exes. Whenever people asking him why, he said he just dont want having responsibility if anything happen and dont want to be infected with any disease. This is the reasons he kept telling the girl he dated and his friends.

But the real reason is because all those girl never really aroused him. No matter how many kissing and groping he do, his junior wont stand up. Sometime he thinking he might be asexual. But he still like kissing all those girl.

The only time his junior wake up during morning wood. But he always not in the mood to finish it. He usually taking cold shower.

But today, he junior wake up because of that wet dream. And again, Mew groan in frustration when his brain kept remind him about that wet dream.

Mew walk pass by basketball court and he saw Gulf playing basketball with his friend. He seem enjoying the game. He laugh and fooling around with his friend.

"Gulf, why you have to mess up our phi nong relationship?" Mew asking himself.

He sometime missing the time that they spent together previously. But he dont like it they way Gulf have romantic feeling toward him. That why he acting cold and distancing toward the younger guy. He hope Gulf will give up on him and they will become phi nong again.

Gulf feel like somebody staring at him and he look around and saw Mew standing not far away from the basketball court. His lip automatically forming the sweetest smile and he waving his hand toward Mew.

Mew make a grumpy face and leave the basketball immediately. Gulf pouting because Mew attitude. 

"You just wait, Im going to make you whipped over me P'mew...."


Just a short update. This week I'm going to be busy with Eid Fitr celebration. So another update will be next week. Thank you for the read.

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