Chapter 1 The Child's Death

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It was 5 am almost six on the 5th night, Fredbear was right outside the Crying Child's door.

'Oh God It's almost Six! What if I fail, what will the others think of me! Oh what do I do! Just kill him. Just kill him. Just kill him.' He kept repeating the same words over and over in his head 'Just kill him'  He was about to screech at the child before he heard a sound, a very loud sound. "A broken radio?" He said to himself. He walked into the child's room just to find him dead with a person. The person looked quickly at Fredbear then disappeared into the shadows. "Hey wait!" He yelled but it was too late the person was already gone. He sighed to himself looking down at the kid's body. "At least he's dead. But was that..? No Freddy doesn't have that type of screech, plus he under the bed so their's no was Freddy could have killed. *sigh* I'll look into it tomorrow" He turned back into his regular form and disposed of the body and the blood.

The Next Morning  

Nightmare Freddy's Pov

I was walking to the kitchen, hearing no weeping. No weeping that's odd that child is usually crying at this hour, maybe Fredbear finally killed him, that's good we don't have to deal with him anymore. "Freddy." I hear someone say my name in a kinda pissed tone. I turn around just to see Fredbear.

Nightmare Fredbear's Pov

He turns around to face me with a questioning look. I suppose he doesn't know. "Freddy around 6 am, did you hear anything?" I ask him, he looks down for a moment than looks back at me, "Yeah I kinda heard a like broken radio if that makes any sense." So it wasn't just me who heard it... "That's all, thank you." I tell him, he looks at me for a moment then nods. *footsteps* I looked straight up. What the, is someone up there but that's the attic and I have the only key up there. Meh maybe Foxy pick locked it.. wait maybe it's...! Without hesitation I rush up to the attic only to see the door wasn't pick locked. I unlock it and go in just to see someone rushing behide some boxes. I walk over to the boxes and reach over them then I feel something....Fluffy? Then I hear a grunt. Someone's defiantly here. Then I reach for a hand,arm,leg, anything I can pull. I feel a arm so I pull it and someone came out of behide them and fell to the floor I see a black and yellow bear (mostly black). A figure just like mine probably 6,1 (Fredbear's 6,3) He looks up at me and his eyes are ruby red. 

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