Welcome to your new job

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I walk through the front doors. I have a drink carrier with three coffees. It's my first day and im nervous. I take a deep breath and take the elevator to the lab. I see tape on the ground dividing the lab into three parts. A man with tan skin looks up. His glasses had fallen all the way down his nose.
"Hey you must be Tony's new assistant. I'm dr.banner but you can call me bruce." I smile and walk over.
"Hey bruce im (name). I have a Coffee for you." I had him his.
"Oh thank you." He takes a drink.
"Why is there tape on the floor?" He opens his mouth but someone answers first.
"Cause there is a third person who works here. I don't like it when they touch my stuff and bruce dosent like us fighting by him." I spin around to see my new boss sitting at his work bench. He wears and ACDC shirt and has grease smeared down his face. I walk over.
"Here is your coffee mr.stark."
"Please (name) call me Tony."
"Ok." I say and take a drink off my coffee.
"It's nice to have a hotter assistant then the last." I almost blush but then I remember. It's Tony stark. The biggest play boy there is.
"Cute." I say In a voice that says 'not interested.'
"Aren't i?" He asks ignoring the tone of my voice. i walk over and put both of my palms on his desk.
"Tony let's get on thing clear. I am you assistant, not just some sex toy. If you wanna flirt and mean it. Which I don't think you will ever be capable of. Then fine. But you will not talk to me like a walking sex toy." I say and spin around and walk out. I hear bruce laughing. I Take the elevator up to where my room here is.
(Switches to Tony's POV)
"Can you believe that? She acts like it's not to be expected from me." I say laughing and take a drink of coffee. I see bruce isn't listening so I throw my pen at him. It barley misses. He looks up.
"Are you even listening to me?"
"yes all i hear is you complaining cause your assistant turned you down and told you to treat her like an actual human." I roll my eyes.
"I can't help it! She is pretty and you know it...and by the way she walks i can tell she still has her V card." I smile. Bruce's face turns pink.
"I didn't need to know that Tony. yes she is pretty but she won't like you hitting on her like its some game."
"But that's all she is to me. Is just another piece in the game, a new toy, eye candy. You name it."
"Tony your gonna die alone."
"No I won't. I have you." he sighs and I laugh. Bruce looks up and freezes. I follow his gaze and see (name) in the door way. She walks over and grabs a bag i didn't notice she left there.
"I will be turning in for the night to unpack. I will see you both im the morning. Good night dr.banner, mr.stark." I flinch.
"I better go talk to her."
"Why she is just a toy." bruce says mocking my voice.
"Ah shut it jolly green giant." I get up and walk out after (name).
(Switching back to your POV)
It didn't hurt that he said that. I mean it did but he is right. I'm nothing but a toy to him. I walk towards the elevator and i hear the lab door open.
"(Name)!" I turn and see Tony running after me. "im sorry i s-" i cut him off.
"Don't be. You have no reason to say sorry. Your right im nothing special to you. I'm your assistant and a toy to you. So don't be sorry." I keep walking.
"Go on a date with me." I spin around.
"Are you fucking serous?! You called me a toy and then expect me to go on a date with you?!" He looks taken aback. I turn and hit the elevator button. I take it up to my room and flop on the couch.
"You know what. I dint have to wear a uniform." I look over at my closet. "Two can play at the toy game stark."

AN: this is my first Tonyxreader I hope you enjoyed.

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