My tony

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Your P.O.V:
I walk in and see Bruce hulk out. He swings at Tony who dives out of the ways.
"Tony!" I yell when I see Bruce swing again. He couldn't move fast enough and was slammed hard against the wall hard. I screw, and run towards him n
But hulk sends me flying in the opposite direction and I hit a metal desk. I black out for a few minutes and wake up in a warm puddle of red sticky blood. I feel faint and weak. I black out again.

Tony's P.O.V
I saw (name) hit the desk. I get up only to be almost sent flying again. I run over. I get close and see the blood. I couldn't tell if see was breathing or not. I run over and pick her up dodging hulk the best I could. I pick her up and run out.... And of course half follows. I was so gonna bill him for all of this. I run to the elevator and press the button. I sigh in relief and lean against the wall. I frown down at (name) I was covered in her blood. The door opens and I run her to the nearest hospital and they take her. I sit in a waiting room for two hours before the doctor walks out. I walk over.
"She should be fine.....when she wakes up."
"When will she wake up?
"Well,.. We don't know mr. Stark."
"Well may I go see her?"
"Yes right this way." He showed me to her room. I walk in and gasp. Her head was bandaged and her wrist was wrapped in bandages. I walk over and plop in the chair next to the bed. I hold her hand with both of mine.*
"I'm so sorry....." I felt tears run down my face.

Your P.O.V
I felt everything. I felt Tony rush me to hospital and the tears stream down his face as he did, and now I feel him holding my hands and whisper he is sorry. It brakes my heart. I wanted to hug him but I couldn't... I was trapped in the darkness of my own head. The place I would once escape to was now my prison keeping me away from my Tony.....
...... My Tony.....
I didn't care what pepper said or anything he would always be my Tony. I would always love him even if he didn't feel the same. I saw a light beaconing me towards it... the light to the after life.....

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