Chapter 11

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Suupprriiiiseeee  4 years later - nearly 2k words (all the surprises this chapter - well... almost). I type this author's note before getting to the chapter... I'm trying not to laugh at how vast the writing style might shift. No, I haven't planned to abandon any of these. I just need the time and inspiration to kick my own ass into gear. Apparently, when I started this I was so confident in myself that I did not write down a single friggin detail of where I wanted this to go - miraculously I still have a general idea (pun NOT intended) - slight re-wright of the ending to the last chapter.

I even did a rewrite of a scene from the first book - granted, it was 3 a.m. during a bout of insomnia - but certainly, a little encouraging that I might end up making this better yet

Also, I guess I should remind/warn - everybody has a potty mouth, and the F-bomb gets dropped several times (probably a regular occurrence from now on)

If you are still reading this - readers new and old - you're amazing. <3 Enjoy! :D ~ Ty

My breath caught in my throat at the sight of the man before me. Vaguely, I could feel my knees tremble in their unsteadiness. But blue eyes stare back at me. The same eyes I thought I'd never see again. I could feel my heart flutter and memories flicker. Miles of history burnt in a single second. Grey slacks accompany his white button-up, not a fraction out of place. Old habits surely die hard, making him the only one absurd enough to wear white after the end of the world.

"Hey," his voice was soft. The tone, much like his strong features, have lost the ruggedness I had known. His eyes still sharp while his short-cropped hair had greyed.

"Dad," I breathed. Finally, muscle memory finds the recall I'd been looking for. I only blinked before I had propelled his way. Strong arms enveloped me before my legs had the chance to give out. I lay my head on his shoulder. Feeling as if I could finally breathe again.

"You look so much like your mother." He whispered.

I snort. "You're a damn liar." With that, I push him away. It'd been nice, but the thought of such a display out in the open was embarrassing. Even more so when I turn to find Daryl looking anywhere but at me and my father. He catches my eye and makes to leave. I make a save, grabbing his elbow.

"Who is this, Nakota?" My father is back to standing at attention, his eyes zero in on the man beside me.

"I was ju-" Daryl jerks as he could actually get away with leaving me.

I tighten my hold on his arm and stomp on his foot. "This is Daryl, Dad." I smile easily as I pin him in place. "Daryl, this is my dad. General Bryson Troy." The contempt lacing my voice was so ingrained in me, I hadn't known it was there until Dad's eyes cut back to me. Nostalgia tastes so strong. We have a silent stare down for several moments.

A conversation starting with his predictable, is there something I should know?

Kindly, screw off, Dad.

His eyes narrow for a moment before he chuffs out his snort-scoff and spins promptly on his heel.

"Will he be joining us?" Dad asks over his shoulder while he starts toward his house.



"The hell, Kota?" He seethes under his breath.

I keep a firm grip on him as I pull him forward. "You wanna play dotting and concerned boyfriend? You get ta see it through." I hiss back. "Besides, think of it as making sure I don't kill him."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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