Chapter 5

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*** WARNING: sexual references/possible lead ups/mention and situation of rape. There will be NO smut in this chapter or any other. (Now and in the future) It may seem like it comes close but it won't happen, period. In my opinion it's not that bad in this chapter but may seem worse in others.***
You have been warned

If someone could throw daggers with a glare, they'd be all over the wall. Nakota sat upright with strict posture as she  refused to even acknowledge there was another person in the room. Daniel's tags hung around her neck. Kota's fingers brushed the blanket on top of the bed. Wrists still bound. It had been like this for twenty minutes since he had...
Gereth hadn't said anything in a while. He had been asking questions after what he did the day before... Ones Nakota didn't answer. He was testing her. She was very aware of each step he took closer, up until his breath fanned out on her neck.
     "I like your silence. It... Intrigues me." He whispered into my her. Kota gritted her teeth when she sucked in a breath. It took everything in her not to show him exactly how stiff she was. Nakota could feel him smile as his lips rested on her neck. Of course he was getting something out of this. A sick high of power and dominance. But Nakota had to endure this. For them. For her. All the sudden Gereth was in front of her and pushed Kota so her chin rested on the mattress. Nakota's shoulders automatically scrunched together when she heard a small package rip open. Gereth had his fringes around the waist of the once sergeant's pants, about to pull them down.
"Son of a bitch." He grumbled out of nowhere. "We'll have to finish this later. There was something I forgot about."

Nakota didn't even twitch until he was gone. Once the door shut she let her side fall onto the mattress with a large breath. Kota's body was worn and with Gareth actually out of the room she could let her guard down a little. For once her heart wasn't going a mile a minute. Somehow she managed to slow her mind down to the point she was in a light sleep. Which was surprising since Nakota haven't gotten any for a while. One minute She was half asleep, the next there was a huge boom. As She jolted up, the walls came down on her. The smell of death and burning flesh filled her nose while she was cloaked in black. Her  head was pounding. It took everything in her not to gag. Then again Nakota hardly could believe she would have been able to. Even though she could hardly see anything it was all swirling around her. It was all going downhill.

As the group stood free in the woods, Daryl had mixed emotions. None of which he showed, but he still couldn't exactly pinpoint what it all was. It passed through most of their minds that Nakota could have gotten free and helped them out with all the dead and distractions. His eyes widened when his eyes landed on Carol.  Daryl picked her up, but couldn't help but think of a certain blond as he set Carol down. Rick came over and hugged her too.
     "Was that you?" Rick asked, referring to Terminus. Daryl wanted to ask about Nakota but he knew already. It wasn't good.
     Carol nodded and looked around at everyone. "Nakota with you?" She asked looking between Rick and Daryl.
     The redneck adverted his eyes as Rick sighed. "She was. We don't think she made it."
     "Oh." Carol looked at the group with sad eyes. "We'll come on. Follow me, there's something I want to show you."

So they all followed her. A shall shack came into all their views. The door opened and a blur of blond shot at them.
     "Daryl!" Cierra called as she rammed into the man holding the crossbow. He stiffened at first, but soon put an arm around her. How were they going to tell her? Carl smiled sadly at the little girl before he nudged his father. He noticed Tyreese holding Judith. Sasha ran to her brother. Ci pulled back and looked around the group. She gasped finding the next face. A wide smile came onto her face as she threw herself into the man's arms as he stood surprisingly close to the front.  "Uncle Abe!" She clung onto the redhead, and he held onto her tightly. Abraham took in a deep breath before setting Ci down and getting to her height. She looked around. Most importantly looking for someone who wasn't there. Everyone paused their reunion as it all hit them hard. "Where is she?" Cierra looked at everyone, waiting for an answer. Eventually she looked back at Abraham who now held out her mother's tags. "Uncle Abe?" Her voice shook.
     "Lashes wanted me to give these to you. I'm sorry Cierra." He set a hand on her shoulder as she clutched the tags and chain. "She was a good person. Even better soldier. You're just like her."
     "No." Tears streamed down Ci's face. Nakota couldn't be gone. She just couldn't. "No. She promised. She promised!" Ci sobbed. Somehow her bear had gotten into Abraham's hand as he held the sobbing girl close to him. "Mom said she wouldn't leave uncle Abe."
     "I know. I know." He whispered as he picked her up. Without another word they all lowered their heads, and went the opposite direction of Terminus.

Kinda a shortish chapter. Sorry guys I've been busy, school started. Also I sometimes find it hard to find a bit of inspiration when the show isn't on. But anyway I'll try. But this will probably be the only update for a while. Again, I'm busy.
But if you also happen to be a fan/like my other current TWD ff Running In Circles, I'm sorta unofficially putting it on hold till October. Once again I'll tell that I hate it since so many others are doing that, but I lost a bit of inspiration for it.

I hope you've enjoyed. Please remember to vote, comment, overall let me  know what you think. And until the next chapter.

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