Chapter 10

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I sat with my arms crossed on the rail of the porch. My bed was already set up in the living room. I had just stepped outside to get air. That and it seemed a bit crowded with everyone moving around and setting up. The chill of the night air was refreshing along with the glint of the dark sky. There was a small squeak from one of the boards. My gaze shifted to meet Daryl's. I had been so caught up in my own thoughts I hadn't even heart the front door open. It was left ajar probably just to let in a little cool air. He opened his mouth only to close it the moment Deanna stepped up. I tensed at her presence as she gave us both smiles. I guess it was just how business like she was. Right along with how much she thought she knew about the outside world. She had been behind theses gates the entire damn time. So I was only half listening when she spoke of the jobs she gave everyone.

"I'm still trying to figure out Mr.Dixon over there. And Nakota, I think I have a slight idea. But I haven't placed you either yet."

"Great." I muttered so she didn't hear. "Just what I need." I waited till she left before I sighed looking back over to Daryl. "You know. Around this time a year ago, I would have been discharged. I might have asked for a few more months maybe. Maybe not. I was just needing... wanting to actually have time with my daughter." I cleared my throat at the end of my sentence to hide to brake in my voice.

That night was more restless than I thought it would have been. At least I was able to get more sleep than I had been getting. But I kept waking up. It was late, or really early. Sweat lined my forehead as I jumped awake. There was just something about this place that was sticking with me. Blue eyes cut through the darkness of the morning.

"You alr'ght?" He whispered.

I nodded. "Yeah. It's just... Somthin' about this place.. I don't know what yet.." Hesitantly he set an arm under me and I scooted closer. I chuckled lightly, not knowing what exactly was funny at first, but just couldn't help it. "I can't even remember what I was dreaming about." Gently I lay my head on his arm, being careful not to jump the gun.

That was the fastest I had fallen asleep in a long time. Since the prison.


I sitting on the porch rails once more the next day as everyone else went off to explore this new community we happened to be welcomed to stay. Of course Daryl stayed with me. Rick had made a joke before following after Carl and Judith about him making sure I checked back up with the doctor. As much as it made all of us laugh, I just wanted to smack him over the head. My next comment was that he sounded like my father. When asked whether it was good or bad, my answer was both.

When I decided to get headed over my hand lingered on the rail for a little too long.

"I'm fine.. I'm fine." I held up my hand as the dizziness lingered.

Daryl surprised me by wrapping an arm around me. "No, you're not." He helped me along the way.

We got halfway before we had to stop for a few moments since I started to get dizzy again. By this time an older couple happened to be walking by. They both stopped and asked if I was okay.

"Yeah.. Yeah. He was just helping me."

"Oh.. you remind me of someone." The woman spoke. "Yes, of the woman in the picture. Oh yes. She was the General's wife. Lovely sounding woman. It sounds like their kids grew up well too."

"Now come on honey. Don't you see they're on their way to the doctor? Best not be keeping them." Her husband spoke up. I was still playing her word through my head as Daryl started leading me once again to the clinic.

Those words never left my mind. Even though the check up, or whatever the hell it should be called.

"Koda... koda. Nakota."

"Huh?" I snapped out of it.

Daryl was about to say something when I looked up and saw him. The breath was knocked out of me as I stepped forward. He wore grey dress pants with his white button up. But those blue eyes. Never in so long would I have thought I'd see them again. Forgetting about any fatigue that I had, I stepped forward. Soon my feet flew under me as I swiftly closed the distance between us. He was never always the best, but I couldn't always hate the man the way I should have.

"Hey." His voice was soft. I set my forehead on his shoulder as I clung to him.

"Dad." I breathed. 


Soooo... It's been a while. I had some writer's block where this story is concerned. If the format seems different then that's since I'll probably update this from my computer from now on instead of my phone. 

Right now ya'll should thank my good friend Exploding_Tardis for this update. She suggested a song for me to listen to and it made me think of Nakota. Thus this chapter is born. But you can also thank her for me not writing either since she wants me to write with her a lot while I have my own stories to work on too. (<3 you Tardis) 

I hope you've enjoyed the chapter. As always please remember to vote, comment + tell me what you think! And until the next! 

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