Chapter 4

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I shifted uncomfortably underneath the new man's stare. I held onto my upper left arm since I had managed to reopen a wound when I swung at someone. I didn't miss.
     "There you go Alex. Get your ass kicked by a girl." The new man remarked as 'Alex' got up from the ground. He wiped away the blood from his nose.
     "I'm Gereth, and it seems you've already met Alex." Gereth looked at everyone else but his gaze always shifted back to me. It made me want to swing again at the thought he was looking at my bruises. "Are any of you bit or scratched?" Now he had looked away.
     "No." Maggie answered.
     "Is she alright?" He asked about me. I hadn't said a word since last night. My throat was dry, the wound down my abdomen and chest was hurting and seeming to almost get worse. And now I had reopened a cut on my arm. This day was just getting better by the minute.
     Maggie shook her head. "None of us have really had food or water in a while." The man looked back at a woman who now came up to us, he made some kind of movement.
     "Here, Gereth I'll get her patched up and something to eat. You can go show them where they'll be staying." She came up to me as looked at the jacket around my waist, and must have seen the name on it. "Hello Mrs. Troy, I'm Mary, if you could come with me."
     I surprised everybody when I parted my dry lips, clearing my throat so I could speak. "I'm not married. And it's Nakota."
     "Alright dear." I glanced back at our small group as I followed Mary. Abraham stuck to the back as Gereth led them elsewhere. Our eyes met and we both gave a nod. It was our way of agreeing on something in case things went south. It was to also show I could take care of  myself. I may have been hurt but I could pin this lady in seconds.

I sat patiently as Mary stitched up my arm. She had stitched up a few other places and gotten what medicine they had to where I needed it. My tags were in my fist out of her sight.
     "I said a that earlier since I just assumed your husband or brother was in the army." I tensed a little at what she told.
     "No ma'am. I was. So was my brother, and my father before us. List just keeps goin."
     "Oh, I see. A family tradition of sorts. There all done." She finished wrapping up my arm right as round of gunshots filled the outside air. I got up from my seat while Mary held me back. "I'm sure it's nothing dear."
     "Nothing my ass." I mutter and pushed her hand away. It was pretty effective since I was taller than she was. I opened the back door to whatever room we were in and hurried out toward he gunshots.
     "Nakota I wouldn't!" She shouted after me.
     "Well I'm not you." I shot.
Mary sighed and shut the door and locked it. I was confused as hell but quickly kept going. Running through small alleyways I hit something hard that was moving the opposite direction I was. The man and I struggled for several moments. He was strong I had to give him that. But before either of us could pin each other we noticed who we were. It was Abraham and everyone else. Suddenly the gunshots started again, the bullets hitting the ground behind our group.
     "They're herding us." Abe spoke.
     "I don't like this." I shook my head. "Follow me." I lead them down the way I had just came. My hat fell off somewhere in the process. "Nothin like throwing off their plans. Like training camp all over again." I mutter as our group suddenly came into a large space almost fully surrounded by buildings. There was a train car in sight.

That was when some men came out. Alex took away Hershel's watch from Glenn. Someone took the riot gear from Eugene. My fist stayed balled up to hide my tags as they came up and manhandled us into the train car. Abraham and I had to have guns pointed at out heads to make us go. It happened so fast as we we all shoved in and the door was slammed close. Pacing the small space we were given I knew it was a matter of time. Gereth had seemed to take a liking to me. It was a matter of time before he came back right? He took me away from the others for a reason. As. My thoughts came together I stopped in the dark room. With a hefty sigh I tossed my tags to Abe. He caught them and looked between the identity tags and me.
     "When you find her give them to her." I spoke.
     "What are you talking about?" Glenn demanded. "We're sticking together."
     My lips curled into a small sad smile. "You keep thinkin that bud."
Moving to the opposite side of the train car I peeked out the opening as night fell. It was going to be a long one.
My eyes opened as the morning came along with a new wave of gunshots and yelling. I had stayed in the opposite corner of everybody. Looking through the space I found familiar faces as Gereth called them out. He had them line up in front of the car.
     "Ringleader open the door and let out the blond." Everyone in the space looked at me as I took in a breath. I knew it had been coming.
     "Nakota don't." Abraham stood. I swallowed before I stepped out the now open door.
     "My son." Rick called before he noticed me. Carl was allowed to come as they all recognized me.
     "Ota." Daryl grunted.
     "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?" I asked quietly. I watched as two men walked toward us.
     "Why are you doing this?" The corner of my mouth curled a little for a second as I remembered I had asked him that very question once before. But it soon turned back down. I looked in his blue eyes as he stepped into the car.
     "Cause I have to." He was shocked to get his own answer thrown at him before I shut the door.

That was when the two men got to me and held my hands behind my back as Gereth slowly made his way toward us. The look I gave him was all the warning of what I was about to do. Suddenly I used all my weight to slam one of the men into the train car. There was a crack as his head hit the car. Then I jerked the second in front of me  before knocking him to the ground. He was tougher than he looked. He was back on his feet as we continued out fight. I dodged his blows as both our breathing became heavy. Using my shoulder I slammed us both into the side of the car before he hit the ground and didn't get back up. Before I could step away to open the door the man grabbed onto both my feet and pulled me down. That was when Gereth reached us. He took ahold of my shirt before I could fall all the way. Before I could fight too much Gereth hand ahold of my arms and pulled me away from the car. My breathing was still heavy and some of my hair was in my face as I tried to fight out of his grip. He held me up in a way I was hardly on my feet but my upper body hovered over the dirt. Gereth lowered his head so his lips were right against my ear. They moved in sync as he whispered something. I jerked back but was still in his hold as I tensed. My eyes were wide as my eyebrows furrowed. I didn't dare look at him.
     "You wouldn't." My voice was quiet.
     "Do you want to test me?" He seemed amused with almost any situation I brought him into.
I had been hoping to call him out on a bluff I knew he wasn't making. He was serious. He'd do it and he had the power to. I swallowed as I felt two more men come up to hold me as Gereth put something around my wrists. I jerked a little as my heart rate still hadn't slowed down. My heavy breaths continued as I hardly kept my head up.
     "Good girl." Gereth stood up as the two dragged me away.
I felt ashamed as my eyes looked back at the train car as it got further away. Gritting my teeth I hung my head. I had to do this. Not for me. Not for me.

I'm not dead. Idk if it seemed that way, but I got really busy. Also I didn't know what to have in the next chapter (this one).
So I'm back.. Hope it wasn't to horrible.
Go check out one of my favorite walking dead stories Just Gone by scriptor412 and make sure to give her co-writer a little love!

What did Gereth tell Ota?
What will happen to her?

I hope you enjoyed. Please remember to vote, comment, overall tell me what ya think. And until the next chapter!

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