lV : reality

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“I had a lovely time Niall.” Kay says to me with a smile. Her cheeks and nose tinted with the colour red from the slightly chilly weather.

“Me too Kay.” I say to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to me as we arrive at her doorstep.

She takes out her keys from her pocket and slides them into the lock, jiggling them around before they turn smoothly and unlock the door.

“I guess I’ll see you later Ni.” She says, hesitating to actually open the door.

“Yeah, I will text you.” I say to her, my eyes darting from her green orbs to her lips and back.

She laughs just a bit before acting confident. “My god Niall just kiss me already.”

“Way to spell it out Kay.” I say before brushing my lips against hers. I wrap my arms around her waist and her arms hook around my neck as our lips dance, shooting sparks down my spine, erupting fireworks throughout my entire body.

I pull away and give a bit of an awkward cough as both of our cheeks turn a dark shade of crimson.

“Bye Niall.” She says, her soft lips crash onto my blushed cheek before she opens the door.

“Goodnight Kay.” I tell her before she disappears into her house.

I turn away and throw my hands up into the air and whisper, “Yes!” I turn around and two giggling faces look at me through the window. They panic as the curtain shuts from my view. That also means that they saw my victory dance.

I walk across from Kay’s house and to the park, sitting down on one of the benches. I pull out my phone and scroll through all of my missed messages that I didn’t even bother reading while I was with Kay.

After going through most of them I look up to see Kay and Mrs. Taylor were out on the sidewalk next to their car. They were talking and due to the background noise I could only hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

“I can walk…” Kay says, I couldn’t hear the last part.

“… Grocery store… ride.” Mrs. Taylor says, the conversation is half gone.

“No… it’s not that far.”

“Okay, be safe.” Mrs. Taylor says to Kay, giving her daughter a hug.

Kay walks down the sidewalk by herself but because I feel really protective over her all of a sudden, I follow, just on the opposite side of the street. She makes a turn and heads towards the heart of the city.

After about 15 minutes of walking she pulls up in front of a rundown building with a bunch of flats. She walks in and I follow her, running across the street, getting a few honks from cars and some profanities from others.

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