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Nico stared at his cousin's sad form and he rubbed her back before he left. Persia heard him leave and she sniffled, having cried herself to sleep the night before. She sat up and got out of bed, taking a very hot shower and getting ready. She walked to breakfast and she put on a fake smile, sitting at the Posiden table because she wanted to be alone.

No, she didn't want to be alone. She wanted to have her Casanova with her. Sitting next to her, his hand on her thigh and telling her jokes in her ear. She looked up from her goblet, wishing it had vodka in it instead of juice, as Chiron cleared his throat. Why couldnt things go her way for once?

"The gods have decided to do something special! Your families are to come to camp to spend the summer with you all here! Your families have already been invited!" Chiron announced before going to eat his breakfast.

'Great, just great. I have to put up with them. Bruce will do anything to see me, wanting to talk.' Persia thought to herself, a sour look on her face which made many nymphs ask her if she was okay. Persia just smiled at them, a charming smile that could make the women of Gotham swoon and the men jealous, and told them not to worry their pretty little heads about her. And to stop serving her because their stunning hands would get worn out if they kept working so hard.

Watching as the nymphs blushed and walked away, Persia sighed a bit. She was a smooth talker, able to talk her way into or out of anything. Finishing her breakfast, she headed to go to her cabin to lay down.

A week later, the families arrived.

Persia stood on the hill and saw Bruce pull up with the rest of her 'siblings'. Everyone looked at the billionaire confused as Persia walked down to the car. She walked straight past Bruce and hugged Jason with a smile. "Hey Jason." She greeted.

"Hey there Sia." Jason said and let go of her. Persia hugged Tim and ruffled Damian's hair before walking over to the tree again, ignoring Bruce and Grayson's existence. Though, she did wave to Alfred.

"Hello everyone! My name is Persia Jackson. I am the quote unqoute leader of the camp. It is so nice to meet you all. I will remove the golden fleece to let you all in." Persia said and she moved the golden fleece. The families walked in.

"Persia." Bruce said as he walked up next to his adoptive daughter. Persia ignored him and she pet Peleus. "Persia, do not ignore me. I know you can hear me." He said.

Persia walked into the camp and put the fleece back up after he was across. She walked to the dinning pavilion. "Leave me alone. Just because you are here doesn't mean I have to speak with you." She said, speaking to him for the first time in years.

"Persia, please. I'm so sorry." Bruce said as they entered the pavilion. Persia felt anger course through her. The lake started to turn into violent waves and the wind picked up a bit.

"You are sorry?" Persia asked, everyone stopping to look at the two of them. "Oh yes! Sorry makes it all better! I forgive you for getting me fucking killed Bruce!" She said sarcastically. "You may be sorry but I don't have to forgive you. I'm not going to forgive you. There is a bullet lodged in my head and my blood is on your hands. You don't understand. I'm helping by doing what I'm doing. You? You are just running around and beating people up." She hissed at him, her eyes in a cold glare. But it soon stopped, the lake and the winds calming down as grief took over her again.

"Persia." Bruce said, not affected by what happened but listening to her words. Persia pushed past him and ran off to her cabin. She opened the door and laid down in bed, crying to herself.

Persia wasn't seen until dinner that night. And when she was seen, she was a mess. Baggy sweatpants, a hoodie that didn't belong to her. Her eyes were bloodshot and her hair was a mess. Her footsteps were silent and slow as she sat down at the Posiden table next to Dick, putting her head down. Jason gave Bruce and Dick a look so they would leave her alone.

The gods showed up and looked around, looking for Persia. "Persephone Jackson! Why are you not giving the speeches?!" Zeus asked loudly.

"Shut up." Persia said without lifting her head up.

"Excuse me!?" Zeus said. Without raising her head, Persia shot Zeus in the chest with her gun. She put her gun on the table, putting her arms over her head,

"I said shut up. I'm tired." Persia said. Zeus was angry and he went to strike Persia with his masterbolt but Aphrodite stopped him.

"Stop it." Aphrodite said. "She has lost a lover and is grieving. Let her be Zeus." She whispered. Zeus grumbled and left Persia alone. The gods all sat at their tables but Hestia sat with Persia and rubbed her back; wanting to help her feel better.

Dinner went by smoothly and when it was time for the campfire, the stories of Persia's quest were told. Persia half heartedly made comments about what Annabeth or Grover were saying. Annabeth tried to encourage her to say more but Grover didn't pry. He just held his best friend's hand. When. The end of the summer was brought up, and Luke betraying Persia was brought up. Persia started to sob into her hands, trying to keep quiet but it wasn't working.

"Oh Persia. Let's get you back to your cabin." Grover whispered and he helped her back to her cabin. Persia sobbed into his shoulder. Grover got Persia to shower and into some of her late lover's old clothes before getting her to lay down.

The Waynes filed into the cabin and saw Persia in her bed, shaking as she cried. Once the other boys went to sleep, Bruce went over. He laid in bed with her and pulled her close.

"Sweetheart, go to sleep. It's all going to be okay." Bruce whispered to her. Persia cried into his chest and let him sooth her into a restless sleep. Bruce watched over his kids, soothing them all when they had a nightmare. That's how they all ended up in the same bed on top of each other. Bruce was sleeping and holding Persia close, wanting her to feel comfortable.

1088 words.

after rewrite: 1096 words

I know this is a short chapter. Shorter then most chapters but I will try to make the chapters longer. Who can guess who Persia's late lover was? Hint, they are older then her. Who ever guesses it, gets a shout out in the next chapter.

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