Prologue ♡

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The rain hit down like it always did in the city. All the Gothamites didn't care, it rained nearly every day in the dark city. And if it wasn't raining, it was just cold and windy. Or aliens came to the city to murder them all, which happened more often than not.

A girl with shortish raven hair(only 16" long and in a fishtail braid) and a dark blue mask on her face was crouched down on a high roof top. The girl had on a mainly black outfit with two guns strapped to her hips. She had many bits and bobbles in her utility belt. The girl had on a black with glow in the dark neon paint-stained jacket with two similar technology-based sleeves. She had on black jumpsuit that was stained with glow in the dark neon paint as well. She had a black utility with many things shoved in the pockets, symbols painted on the pouches.

The girl stood up and took out one of the guns in the holsters on her waist, the neon paint contrasted against her black gloves. She shot off one bullet into the air once before running across the length of the building and beginning to scale the rooves. The rain seemed to just bounce off her, nothing on her getting wet even in the smallest sense. The girl stopped on a roof top and turned to face the city, stepping up on to the ledge to get a better view of the lit up city. Gotham never sleeps after all, it was rare due to the crime and the more active nightlife.

"Nightwing." The girl said in recognition to the man that came up behind her. She didn't turn to look at him or even seem to hear the quiet footsteps.

"How did you know I was there?" The man stepped out from behind a metal air unit that he had been crouched down behind. Nightwing was wearing a black bodysuit with a blue symbol on his chest. A staff sat on his lower back, shrunk to be a convenient size so it wasn't trying to kill him as he traveled through Gotham.

"I always know whose watching me. You can tell old daddy bats that I won't be in Gotam for three months. Summer is starting back up and I'm needed in New York." The girl said, turning around to face Nightwing. Her mask moving with each word she said. Her mask was dark blue with the word neon painted on it in neon colors.

"Neon, you can come with me and tell him yourself. He wants to talk. You have been gone for so long!" Nightwing said, stepping closer to the girl with sea green eyes. Neon's eyes went from their original calm look to a harsh glare that made Nightwing feel like he was being shot at repeatedly. He knew how that felt and it wasn't a pleasant experience.

"I'm not coming back. Never will and never am. Bruce can take his apologies and shove them up his ass. He left two of his helpers to die by the hands of the Joker. Ones he said that he loved to the point of adopting one and being the godfather of the other! Sorry isn't going to fucking cut it. Just tell him what I said, Dickie Bird. Because I don't want to hear about it. I am not in the fucking mood to hear him." Neon said, putting her gun in its holster and jumping off the side of the roof. Nightwing ran over to the side and looked over. He didn't see Neon anywhere. Nightwing headed home to tell Bruce what Neon had told him.

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