7. Never too much

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"Do you think it's too much?" I ask eyeing the bags in I hold, when we get out of yet another store in the mall, hands full of shopping bags.

"You can never have too much clothes." Stella offers and I giggle. "OH CANDY STORE!" I scream and point at the colourful store in the direction we're headed.

"This is why I love you." Stella says, it's been almost two weeks since her's and Zion's first date, they went on a couple more, we'd all hand out at our apartments. I have discovered Dorian is a man child, he could kill you with a look but gets very whiny when he doesn't get what he wants, all thanks to me. Which results in a fun argument and little huffs out of his pretty mouth when he doesn't win. I can't help it, my competitive instincts kick in.

"More chocolate." I tell Stella, we've already grabbed bags, half of the full of different candies, chocolates, and other sweets.

"It's not enough?"

"You can never have too much chocolate." I return her words.

"That is nothing but the truth." She smiles and adds different assortment of chocolate, from chocolate covered pretzels to peanuts. As we pay and walk back, hands almost bruising  from all the shopping bags we've done. Her and I became pretty close, I don't remember ever having this much fun with a friend, a lady friend. Don't get me wrong I loved Zion, he's my best friend, but it's always nice to have someone you can talk to about everything, and having them relate to you as well, you know being women and all.

"I haven't done this is so long, since high school maybe." She tells me.

"I haven't done this with friends ever. But how come?"

"Well I'd go out with my friends all the time during high school, after high school we kind of grew apart and I'd grown even closer to Dori since our parents deaths, it's been me and him ever since." She explains.

"I would so hug the life out of you if I didn't have the whole mall on my hands." I say and she laughs a genuine laugh, as do I. We place the bags in her trunk and get in. We both sing a the top of our lungs, volume at max and speeding a little over the limit ever once in a while.

We shout, (yes shout at this point you can't call it singing) the lyrics to 'born without a heart' by Fouzia. As the ending of the song come about I look out the window and spot an amusement park.

"Oh we should all go sometime." I turn the volume down, she looks out the window.

"Yeah, if you can convince Dori to come along." She shakes her head and turn her focus on the road again.

"He doesn't like amusement parks?" I ask curiously.

"It's not that, he's never been to one since he was very young and he doesn't do much fun as you can probably already tell."

"He's got his nose stuffed in the company all the time unless I pull him out forcefully." I nod. "Well then I guess we better come up with a plan to drag him along with us. What should the name of our mission be."

"Drag Dori's ass to the amusement park?" She interprets it as a question.

"Real original." I roll my eyes.

"Well missy, you'll have to take him alone since I don't wanna deal with him if he gets cranky, and when by some miracle he agrees and enjoys it, then we'll all go as a group the next time, deal?" Sounds like a challenge but I agree nonetheless.

"Deal, double deal, challenge accepted." I hear her mumble something alone the lines of 'two peas in a pot' huh? I choose to ignore it and turn the volume up again.

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