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The sound was defanging.A mix of a strange blaring siren and loud explosions in the distance,the smell was too,a mix of Burning and smoke filled the air.The darkened and wet alleyways were completely empty,except for a echoey voice,the voice sounded feminine and it definitely belonged to a young child because you could hear the squealing and frightened cries that came from whatever was making the noise.The sadder part is,that was the only voice you could hear,whatever thing was out there was alone,in the dark(the thing probably got too curious or got separated from its family,but no one really knows)it was only until a shadow appeared on the wall that someone might of been able to make out what the thing with the childish voices actually was.Turns out,it wasn't a child,looking for its mother of father during the bombing,no,it ran on all fours,no one could really tell what colour it was,probably a lighter colour Beacause you couldn't see some parts of its body(due to marks of smoke of mud placed on its torso and stomach).but no,this wasn't a child at all,it was a cat! It looked fairly terrified too as it made its way out the alleyway and into an empty junkyard.It ran around in the darkness as the explosions sounded like it was getting closer and closer by every second that past.The Small voice echoed again.This time it sounded even more terrified. "MISTY? DEMETER?WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?!".Nothing came back to try to reply or confort the poor cat.It was only until a large explosion was heard and then a bloodcurdling,high pitched scream was heard,then noting,the voice faded into nothingness and the explosion did as well.It's sad to think that that was the last time that anyone heard that Voice.

A little white Egyptian mau kitten's view finally came back,at first all she could see was strange fuzzy blobs,but then it showed colourful blobs,a black and white one and a goldy-looking one.But then the blobs turned into actual thing,cats!ones that the kitten recognised,she felt something or someone gripping onto her small paw too,but the Smokey smell was gone and the sirens weren't there as well.First,The mau saw a black and white Tom,he looked terrified,why was he so scared?The sirens were fact,all the cats there looked terrified,She didn't really understand why,she wasn't terrified,the bombs were gone,the kitten just didn't understand.She squinted her eyes and stared up at the duo. "What are you all scared about?..".The kitten was surprised to hear her own voice after a while,it sounded almost audible,but she could still hear it.This earned a small gasp from both of the cats,the black and white Tom didn't look as terrified,he looked excited as,without warning or hesitation,pulled the mau kitten into a tight hug,a giggle came from what supposedly was the cat the kitten couldn't make out first. "Mistoflees,be carful.your squeazing the life of ur of the poor thing!".The voice definitely belonged to another Tom.Another voice came as the cat hugging her squeezed her tighter. "Oh thank the everlasting cat your completely fine!".The kitten decided to try look around while trapped in the hug.She turned to see a golden-ish and brown queen,snickering. "Misto thought you died-".At this point,the kitten could finally tell who was actually there,cat hugging her must have been Mr Mistoflees at this point,the one snickering must had been Cassandra,the other one might had been munkustrap or another cat.Mistoflees stuttered. "W-What? No I-I didn't,I-I wouldn't do that-".Cassandra gave Mistoflees a smug look,crossing her arms in the process. "Yes you did.".She tried to hold back another laugh as Mistoflees looked visibly annoyed at her.The black and white Tom cat hissed quietly. "No i didn't.".Cassandra looked at the mau kitten and then back at Mistoflees. "You did,you said it to munkustrap.".She teazed.Mistoflees hissed at Cassandra. "No I didn't!".He ended up pinning the golden queen to the ground,as the queen kept teasing him.This also ment the mau kitten was finally free of that hug,as Mistoflees tried to pin Cassandra down though,he lost that tight grip on the kitten and she thudded onto the concrete floor.The other cat in the room hissed at Cassandra and Mistoflees. "Stop it you two." He said it rather sternly,that cat was definitely munkustrap at that point.That was the last thing the kitten heard when she was awake.She could still hear the conversation.

The events that happened the next day  broke the kitten's hearts into millions and billions of tiny peices.

The mau kitten sat in a box on the side of the pavement,while the golden queen from yesterday tightened a makeshift collar on the kittens neck.It was made of a small rope and a peice of paper that said the name 'Victoria' on it.The mau kitten looked up at the golden queen,The gold queen slinked around the corner. "Stay there,okay?".The kitten nodded,sniffling.The kitten layed down in the box.It seemed like forever until a pair of footsteps cam close to the box,as someone picked up the kitten.

"Mum,Come over here! I found a kitty cat in a box!".

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