Chapter 2

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The Victoria struggled to climb out the window of the kitchen and onto a wall.It was cold outside,the rain was hitting off the ground.Victoria shivered,she wanted to go with Alice so badly,she wanted to keep her company on the train,maybe Victoria would see skimbleshanks(the railway cat),she could tell Alice about him,she had tried to tell her about the other jellicles before,but sometimes Alice doesn't listen to her as much.Victoria walked along the wall and over to the end of it,she looked down but noticed that silver tag on her pink collar,she usually messed about and played with the tag when she got bored. Victoria looked pawed at the tag,giggling,but She suddenly turned onto her back and fell from the wall,landing into a wet and dark alleyway.Victoria shakingly stood up on her paws,the ground was cold and wet too.The alleyway looked so familiar to her.It brought Tons of thing flooding back into the kittens head. Being abandoned,The Jellicle ball,almost being attacked by that dog,Mistoflees magicking old Deuteronomy back.Grizzabella singing memory..the blitz in London and those weird looking masks the human queens and toms wore sometimes.They were scary.Victoria ran down the alleyway and around the corner to see tons of den looking piles,she turned around to see a familiar large building. "The Egyptian?".Victoria walked up the steps,trying to push the large door open.The kitten walked inside as the heavy door pushed her
forward,everything looked the exact same as the last time she was there.The kitten looked around for another cat inside with her,she stared over to another cat that looked quite familiar.A Black and White Tom cat with a waistcoat and black top hat in one of his paws.Victoria knew exactly who it was,without hesitation,she ran straight up to the cat,wrapping her arms around him."Misty!,Misty!".The Cat in question jumped(he had probably got a bit of a shock when her heard that voice without warning)And turned around.

."what?W-who are you?".The kitten had her face towards the ground,but she looked up at the Tom.Something must had sparked in Mistoflees' brain that made him realise who this actually was."Who is way!how..where were you?".Victoria tilted her head sideways. "What do you mean?". The Tom stroked the kittens head fur. "I mean,what happened after Cassie came back and said it worked?".Victoria looked back down at her silver tag again,pawing at it again. "I got myself and owner!".The kitten sounded very proud of herself when she said that(she obviously was).The Tom looked down at the ground,he didn't say anything back. "What's wrong...aren't you proud of me?".Mistoflees placed the tag in the palm of his hand,after he dropped,(so it hung off Victoria's collar)He cupped the young queen's face in his paws. "I was scared for you,I thought you were going to know..". The mau kitten nodded.Mistoflees then smiled brightly,pulling Victoria into a tight hug,this time,Victoria hugged back.They both stayed silent in the hug for a while,it was only until Victoria heard the faint noises of people walking by on the street.She pulled herself out of the hug and looked up at Mistoflees. "By the way,I need your help with something.".Mistoflees perked his ears up. "What is it?". Victoria went on. "Can you still do magic?".The Tom nodded. The mau kitten continued on. "I need to go with Alice,she's my owner,she'll be really lonely out there in the country..I want to go with her-". "-but they don't allow animals to go..I get it." Mistoflees added,he stood there in thought for a little until Victoria tugged on his arm slightly. "Please Misty..I I know that I might get abandoned again..".Mistoflees perked up and took Victoria's paw. "I know,come over here..".He whispered,Mistoflees sounded very excited for some reason.

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