Chapter 1

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2 months later

Victoria layed down on the edge of a human bed.Cassandra's plan had worked.The plan,originally was to get Victoria an owner because of the event with the bombs a few months ago,by putting her on the side of the street in a box.London was a scary place,the human Tom's and Queen's were really tall and didn't have tails or ears and some of them would try to push or kick the little mau away.The human kits were ok though,Victoria liked them because they would try to pick her up and cuddle her,the mau kitten liked hugs.

The kitten turned her head up the the human kitten that was asleep under the covers.The human kit was named Alice,she didn't have a tail or ears but she has dark brown,straight hair that sat on her shoulders.Victoria walked up close to the human kit's chest and layed down on its chest,purring.Victoria looked up at The little girl,as a human queen walked into the room,trying to shake the little girl awake.The girl squinted her eyes as she sat up. "Would you like to go on a holiday,Alice?".Alice(the little girl)scrunched her nose up,as the mau kitten giggled at tried to copy her.The human queen sighed at Alice. "Stop doing that! You look like a rabbit.".Alice giggled. "I like rabbits!". Victoria looked up at Alice. "Me too!".She meowed. Alice picked Victoria up. "Anyway,Victoria likes them too,she told me!". The human queen stood up,sighing again. "Don't be silly Alice,cats don't talk.".She pointed at Victoria. "This one is just keeps meowing.".Victoria stumbled into Alice's arms as the little girl cradled her like a little baby. "Anyway,we need to get to the train station by 10 o'clock.You can wear your red checkered dress and those little black school shoes.So,hurry up and get ready." The human queen walked out the room.Alice sat Victoria aside while the little girl climbed out of bed,running over to her wardrobe,flinging the door open and staring at the red dress she was supposed to be wearing.Victoria had stumbled over to the side of the bed and looked up at Alice. The little girl pulled her dress of the hanger as she ran out the room door and into the bathroom.Victoria layed down on the edge of the bed.The mau kitten didn't forget any of her friends from the junkyard,in fact,she missed them very much.Victoria had a new adventure though,and it was time to move on(the kitten obviously would Never let go of her old friends though).Alice ran back into the room with her red and white checkered dress and knee highed white socks.she held the skirt part outwards,like a Ballerina dress and spun around. "Look Victoria! It's a ballerina dress now!". The mau kitten nodded. "It's pretty!" She mewed.Alice ran over to the side of her bed and pulled out a large,brown suitcase. "I packed it with mummy last night.".She also picked up a pile of books and sat them on the bed,spreading them out.She then looked at Victoria. "What two should i take?".Victoria stared at the books,she pounced onto a 'Mary poppins' book and an 'alice in wonderland' book(the kitten had absolutely no idea what Alice ment,the strange squares just had really nice colours on them and Victoria thought they were pretty).Alice nodded,opened the large suitcase and put the squares in it, before shutting it over again.The two girls then heard a voice come from down the stairs. "Alice! Come down and I'll fix your hair before we go!". It was the human queen.Alice ran out the bedroom door as the mau kitten followed behind her. "coming mummy!".

The two ran down the stairs into the kitchen. A bowl of hot porridge sat in a bowl and a cup of milk sat next to it. Alice sat down on the chair next to the bowl and cup. She gave the milk cup a look as if to say "I'm not drinking that!",she took the cup and sat it down next to Victoria,who was sitting at the leg of the chair.Victoria looked so excited,even though it was only a cup of milk.Alice looked up at her mother as she tied the little girls hair into a  little white ribbon. "Mum,Can Victoria come on holiday as well?".Alice said with a mouthful of porridge in her mouth.The Egyptian mau kitten sat up,interested in the conversation between the two human queens.Alice's mother sighed. "No,your going with all your other school friends though,not that cat.They won't allow it.". Alice pushed the now empty bowl away. "Is she staying in London with you?".Victoria tried to climb up onto the chair and onto Alice's lap.Alice stood up and ran back up to her room. "I'll go get my case!".

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