Chapter 7: Death's call

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My legs felt like they were about to give out when Presely finally came to a stop. She wasn't pulling but I felt bad she had to sit on that porch all day, and I wanted to see how far I could get from the babysitter before I got in trouble. That's when I realized Presely had sat. She did it with such purpose that it must have been a command. Then Primer came barreling over the hill teeth bared. Then Will came a few seconds later, I didn't even have time to figure out what emotion he was showing before I was on my back with Malinois teeth bared to my neck. I froze waiting for the final bite when Will hauled the beast off of me. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I scampered away from Will's hand that was going to help me up. The dog it... it could've killed me. Primer sat, self-satisfied, behind Will as I inched away from him. Everything in me wanted to bolt and was ready too, but deep chocolate eyes pierced mine, malice brewing as if waiting for me to dart away. I inched back a little more, but this time Will lunged for me, pulling me by the waist into him as he stood up. I wrapped my legs around his hips to support myself. His chest rumbled as he turned to walk back to the house.

"I knew you wanted to get away from me, but a cliff? Seems like the easy way out." I looked over his shoulder and realized any more and I would have toppled over the cliff that led to the river we ran past.

"I didn't mean to." I hated how my voice quivered as I realized how close I was to death, for the second time today.

"I know. Even if you did, I'd still be here to catch you. Presley, Primer, come." What would happen when they found whatever they were looking for though? Would I go home, or would I disappear? No, I need to go home, I will go home. Now at least I know a part of the fence line. We probably ran about ten miles, depending on how big the property is it'll probably take a few weeks to learn it all, and I don't have that kind of time. 30 miles should be enough to gauge security week points and a week of training should prepare me for the run. So I laid my head on Will's tense shoulder and plotted, I was going to my family.

I know this is super short.  

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