Chapter 2: Cut strings

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                   Chapter 2: Cut strings

I awoke to yelling and pounding at  the front door, I don’t know when I curled up in a fetal position and fell asleep or how long I had been that way but my body protested my slow movements.

“This is the police, OPEN UP!” Someone yelled but my brain wasn’t functioning right, did Memphis beat me again? Usually that meant he did other things as well but he'd Usually drag me by my hair to my closet like room. My aunt didn’t like seeing me be ‘taken’ by anyone else but her.
My head pounded and I gripped it tightly as I softly apologized to my aunt and cousin so they wouldn’t hit me while I got up out of the spot I assumed they left me in for a reason.

When I got no response other then someone screaming that they were going to break the door down I glanced around the room and screamed at the massacre my eyes took in and it was if someone opened a floodgate in my head, as all the events that took place hit me.

As my screams filled the house a large BANG shook the room and police filed in with guns drawn pointed at me but my brain wouldn’t register anything as my eyes stayed glued to Memphis who’s bloodshot dead eyes stared back at me.

Everything was a blur after and I wasn’t able to really focus or think until I was at the police station.

The police couldn't explain it, there were no finger prints, even on the bloody knife the boy had left behind and I wasn't talking, I tried but all I said was 'they are really gone' over and over. They thought the tears that fell from my eyes were from sadness but it was relief, they again assumed I was raped by the killer and I didn't have the heart to tell them otherwise so I sat there in one of the interrogation rooms until they told me I'd be going to a group home for the night until my uncle could get there.
My uncle?
"My uncle?"

"Yea kid he will be there in the morning, your lawyer has stopped any farther questions." He huffed, leading me out past the desks of his fellow officers and they all looked shocked except one. A tall man standing near the front doors. His arms were crossed making the muscles in his arms and chest bulge against the confines of his police uniform. His hair was a reddish brawny brown and I wondered if it was dyed since his skin was a natural caramelized brown, reminding me of the boy.... I tensed and tried to see if his eyes were gray too but he wore reflective glasses that showed me my own fear stricken face.
"This is officer Jasper, he and your lawyer Collin will take you to the group home, I'm sorry for everything that you went through son. We will find out who killed your family." And with that I was left with the silent brooding man. Before I could ask anything another tall man but much more slender stepped from behind the officer, he had long black hair super pale skin and reddish eyes reminding me of an anime character I had seen before when my dad was alive, Vampire hunter D.
"Hello Master Kallen, My name is Daphne Mallory. I am your lawyer and humble servent, please follow me." He said with a small smile that made him look so young tho I am sure he was in his late twenties or early thirties.
he had a chicks name...
"I think you have me confused... my uncle is dead an-and I-I don't have any money...." I stuttered out as I stared at my shoes when the silence went on to long I looked up to see Daphne looking at Jasper with what seemed to be a snarl on his pretty face making it almost demonic. The gasp that left my mouth was like magic, his face went back to the pleasant happy so fast I thought maybe I imagined it?
"Come" came the deep voice of officer Jasper and he grabbed my hand in his slightly calloused ones and pulled me out if the station with Daphne following behind whistling a strange tune.

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