Chapter 3: Welcome Home

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         Chapter 3: welcome home

The drive to the boys home was filled with chatter from Daphne and quiet grunts from Jasper but I didn’t hear any of it, i was in a daze replying previous days events over and over in my head.

I didn’t know I had started to panic intil a large hand forced my head up till I was staring back at myself in Jaspers reflective glasses.

“Breath Kallen” his deep voice rumbled and I did, taking a deep breath in through my nose and letting it out through my nose as the shaking in my body subsided.

“Come now Master Kallen, we are here but Don’t you fret, I will be back tomorrow morning to take you home” Daphne said as he held my door open but when I didn’t move he leaned down and unbuckled my seat belt and gently pulled me out to face the group home And I took another deep breath as we went inside.


I was strangely left alone in the boys home, even the staff seemed afraid of me. I definitely wasn't use to it having always been bullied for my weak frame and small hands and always dirty clothes, even though I was taller then some of my bullys at 5'12 my demeanor was broken. The next day at 6am on the dot the staff had me out on the porch waiting to be picked up.
They didn't even give me any food, not that I truly cared. I didn't eat much anyway.
A slick limo drove up about 15 mins later and Daphne was out and looking me over like someone had hurt me.
"How are you feeling? Did you eat? Did anyone touch you?" He rambled on and I was just barely able to get out a no before he got me onto the limo and was off.
I didn't get to ask any real questions on the two hour drive and when ever I brought up that I didn't have an uncle he would go scary quiet and start hitting the steering wheel. Other wise he was oddly cheerful.
He told me about my 'uncle' and his wife, their two children and the mansion I'd be living in but not to worry they would build on a new room for me, however I liked. ..
He had to be crazy, these people DIDN'T know me and we sure enough wasn't related... but it sounded really nice. Really really nice.
By the time we pulled up through a gated fence to a pull around drive way to a HUGE ass mansion I had already prepared myself for rejection. They would see me and know I wasn't who ever they thought their nephew was and I'd be sent back to the shelter.
When I got out there were balloons and flower bouquets being held by at least a dozen maids and an oversized sign that said welcome home above the double wide dark wood doors and my heart broke more because I really wish I was who they thought I was.
He was loved.
The maids all smiled and patted my head as Daphne told them I didn't have anything to eat and about half ran to make me something while the others fanned over me saying how adorable I was and so perfect for the family?
I didn't get to question it as the doors flew open and a tall dark-skinned man stepped out. He was so handsome and we'll dressed in an all black suit with a blood red tie, and dark brown hair fell to his shoulders. He gave me a large smile as he scoped me up in his arms and squeezed me to the point I was patting him for release but laughing as well.
"Sir... Sir...Si- omegawds Malcolm put the boy down before you kill him" Daphne huffed while my 'uncle'? Hugged the life outta of me.
Finally he set me down but kept me close to him with a arm over my shoulder, he was tall... really tall at least 6'8!
"My apologies Kal, come on in you must be exhausted!" He said but before leading me inside he grabbed Daphne by the back of his neck and kissed him. Not a peck on the lips. NO, full fledged made out with him in front of me until Daphne started to rut against him and he let him go with a little shove.
"Don't yell at me, you'll pay for it later" He said as he turned away and led an opened mouthed me inside.
Where I was tackled by a tiny women with long fiery red hair and lovely grey eyes and her skin was a soft white like a lilly.
"MY BAAAAABBBYYYYYY" She cried as she hugged my stomach.
I didn't know what to do so I was hugged her back until her tears calmed.
"Kal this is Martha my wife. Your aunt." Malcolm said as he helped us up. You have met my son's already, they are changing and will be down in a minute" He he said with a smile and I couldn't stop myself. Even if I wanted this family as my own I knew, I just knew I really didn't belong here. Her lovely dress was probably filthy from touching me and his suit probably reaked since I wasn't allowed to shower often at home.
"Why are you crying babylove? Did I hurt you?" Martha asked then started to cry as well trying to hug me but I wouldn't let her, I didn't want to soil them any farther.
"I... I think you have the wrong kid, I don't have any family left, I don't have an uncle. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to waste your time, I-I tried to tell them at the station" I said and cried harder but they both just stared at me with small smiles on their faces as Martha whiped my tears away and literally they ignored what I said and went on about how they love me and how I need to eat more.
I was getting tired of it since they clearly weren't thinking straight and I was about to blow up on them when I heard a small Huff and feet come running at me full-speed. I turned around to see Jasper the police officer standing on the spiral staircase with a small smile on his face and I looked down to see Ray the murderer running at me with a huge creepy smile on his face.
" Oh just in time!" Mr. Malcolm said as Ray jumped into my arms "You know Jasper and Raynor already but Our little Ray of sunshine can't speak or hear. He follows vibrations, sign language and can read lips. Welcome to the Odyssey family Kal, we have been waiting for you for so very long"

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