Chapter 4: A den of wolves

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Chapter 4: A den of wolves

My body automatically wrapped my arms around Ray's body, I had expected him to be heavier but he’s body had just enough weight to make him settle against me, he fit as if he was made to be held by me.

That thought was over powered by the fact that I knew what he was capable of. My mind continued to push the image of that night to the forefront of my mind causing the image of him that night and the him now to meld together till I saw him in my arms covered in blood.

Ray was pulled from my arms and Martha was touching me and trying to say something to me but I could hear anything then a strange pounding in my ears, it was difficult to breath and I suddenly felt weak as I slowly collapsed to the ground and world turned on its side before it went black.


I woke up to hushes fast talking, someone sounded upset?

Was it Memphis and my aunt? Did I pass out again in her? She hated that, but my mouth didn’t have that lingering bad taste in it and my stomach didn’t hurt from the medication she’d force on me and I didn’t smell the stench from the bed. What was going on?

The bed felt so soft and warm? Oh my god!! Did I fall asleep in my aunts bed?!

I shot up, apologizing profusely as I tried to fling myself to the floor but everything was wrong, the bed felt bigger, softer. I tried to open my eyes but it was too bright which was also strange, I was forgetting something.

“I am so sorry. I am sorry, I didn’t mean to get on the bed-I-I was confused!” I heard a gasp and I couldn’t stop the shaking that wrecked my body as I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to stop myself as I huddled down in place apologizing even more, I hope she wouldn’t use the taser again.

“What did those pigs do to you? My sweet child, you are safe here! I am sorry it took so long before I could find you!” a deep rich voice said as warm strong arms lifted me up and onto someone’s lap and a soft warm washing wiped my eyes allowing me to open them even tho I had to blink against the brightness.

“Close the blinds, will you Daphne” the warm voice said and in seconds the brightness was gone living it still light but a subdued light, bathing the room in a orange-ish glow.

I was sitting on Martha’s lap with Malcolm sitting close by with a wash cloth in his hand, we were sitting on a massive bed covered in the softest gold and red sheets I’d ever seen with a large warm blanket pushed down near the foot. No wonder I couldn’t find the edge, this had to be a king-size bed! And here I was dirting it.

“i-I am sorry, I don’t know how I got in, ill clean the sheets!” I said as I tried to scramble out of her lap but she held firm. She was really strong!

“Hush now Babylove! You did nothing wrong, Jasper put you in bed after you had a panic attack”  she said glancing at Malcolm as if trying to tell him to say something. I took that time to push out of her arms, the released me easily and a knot loosened, she wasn’t holding me against my will and strangly I missed her strong warm arms around me, now I felt exposed in my dirt torn pants and holey worn tee-shirt.

“I… You have the wrong kid.” I said again, closing my eyes against the sad look that passed over Martha’s face and the shocked look on Malcolm’s “I don’t have an Uncle, my parents died when I was six and my aunt took me in, I’ve lived with them since. I sorry I tried to tell the pol-“ I finally opened my eyes to see Marther standing with her back turned, she shook and I assumed she was crying by the way Malcolm wrapped an arm around her whispering calm words.

She must be so upset I thought as i watched her shaking form, I took advantage of their kindness! That the nephew they really loved was sti-

my tgought was cut off when she angrily bellowed “That BITCH!”

She pushed out of his arms pacing back and forth as her hands dug into her hair and pulled.

“How DARE SHE! Tell Raynor to kill them AGAIN!” she screamed and her words send a cold shock through me as I stared at them, they knew.


I turned to flee but Daphne blocked the only door, my eyes glanced to the window but I couldn’t tell if it was open from the thick curtain that shielded me from the bright sunshine that wanted to flood the room but they didn’t move in a breeze so I assumed the window was closed.

“Take a deep breath Kallen, You are safe here. Give us a chance to explain, please” Martha said but my eyes were scanning the room looking for an exit as my breathing sped up and I could feel myself panicking.

“I am your uncle, Your father and me grew up together, we use to get into sooo much trouble” Malcolm laughed as I felt myself focus on him, I still didn’t believe him. He could just think he knew my father!

“Here is a picture of us” he said lifting a heavy book from the bedside table and opening it towards me. I slowly walked towards him so I could see the picture better even as my mind screamed at me that it was a trap but what could I do? They owned me now right? Jasper was on the police force, they murdered people openly and the other was a lawyer. I bet Malcolm or Martha was a judge or someone with extreme power.

I glanced down at the photo and tears welled up in my eyes, it was my father! My father hugging a younger Malcolm and laughing at something.

“Dad! That’s my dad! With-with you? But I don’t understand” I said taking the book and while I flipped through the pages I was led to sit on the bed and I didn’t even notice as I stopped at a Polaroid picture of baby me, my mother and my father, and under the picture was writing I could only assume was from my father saying: Miss you little brother! I can’t wait for you to meet my son and him to meet his other family!

Tears were falling in a steady stream now as I touched the photo of my father and mother. That means I was the one they were waiting for, all the balloons and banners, smiles and hugs were for me.

“Let me tell you about this side of your family, we’ve waited so long to meet you, Kal. I understand if after you want to leave, I’ll help you get started in a new life, safe as you should have always been. Will you listen, please?” Malcolm said from beside me and I nodded as I ran a finger over my fathers face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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