Disconnected phone calls.

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The guilt courses through my veins, wondering why I pushed him away. I wanted it, and he knew that, so why would I purposely ruin a chance like that?

My thoughts were interrupted by the violent banging on my front door. I peeked an eye out of the blinds, observing the two men in police uniforms standing behind the door. Standing back up, I nervously reach my hand out for the handle pulling it downwards and opening it slightly, just enough to see the faces of the men.


"Hey, officers what's the problem?" My voice shakes

They hold up a piece of paper holding a face I clearly recognize.

When I unfocus my eyes from the face in the middle the bold text catches my eyes;


The officers lower the paper, sighing and begin to speak;

"If you have seen this man, let us know immediately. He is heavily wanted here in Halifax".

"Is it fine if I know what- what he has done?" I stutter, losing more of my breath after every word,

"That information is confidential." He finishes and walks away.

The door slams behind him, the realization hits me as I fall almost straight to the floor.

I begin sobbing into my knees, taking a short breath after every cry.

Eventually, I pull myself together and walk to the bathroom to continue my at-home one person crying-contest.

My own reflection startles me, my puffy red eyes, my swollen cheekbones, the wide frown plastered on my pale vampire-like skin, I look a mess.

My phone buzzes from across the room, and I check it because of sheer curiosity. Although it was awfully obvious who it would be ringing, I needed the satisfaction that he wanted me.

Wiping my tears with my sleeves I pick up the phone waiting for the deep voice to boom through the small speakers, but it never does. My heart speeds up hoping that I don't have to be the first one to speak, but it's terribly obvious that he wouldn't do the honors.

My fingers tremble, lifting the microphone closer to my mouth taking a short breath.

"Hello?" I say so quietly it almost comes off as a whisper,

His microphone begins to pick up the sounds of his sudden, panicky breaths.

"I didn't-", I begin, stuttering out of what seems to be fear, "I didn't tell them anything- I wouldn't want to do that to you.."

I pause, sweat building up around my fingers, after taking a deep breath I begin again.

"But if I'm going to protect you I think I deserve an explanation."

The phone beeps signaling the disconnection of our phone call.

I feel an emotion that I had barely felt before,


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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