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Everything after the portal exploded was a blur. I remember waking up, and Wynn picking me up. I remember the police finally arriving and driving us back home. I remember being questioned nonstop once we arrived at the police station.

It was all so hard to recall, so hard to explain, and so hard to make sense of... I didn't even feel like I was telling the cops the truth, to be honest. The rest of the population successfully returned and it was terrifying. People just... "respawned" in random locations across the world, and shelters were set up for people separated from their families. My dad was knocked out in the control room after the explosion, and he's in the hospital now. My mom came back only a few towns away and arrived back home a day before me. 

Our reunion was very teary. She was sobbing and asking me what happened but I couldn't explain it to her. I did tell her what I knew though. That I didn't disappear, that I found friends and safety. That I (sort of) helped save the world.

Hunter ended up being placed in a psychological center for recovery. I'm going to visit him in a couple of days.

Wynn and Lacee ended up staying at Wynn's place for a while. I haven't heard from them in a few weeks. Things seem to be going back to normal... slowly... but,

Hina never heard from her parents, and we still don't know if they ended up in the ocean or in some inhabitable area like we heard some folks had. I got really lucky, compared to a lot of people. Hina's staying with us for now, until her parents return... if her parents return. Nothing's sure right now.

Except for one thing; you mess with reality, reality messes with you.

I'm starting to think the sky was more significant... red is usually a warning color. Was Hunter warning us of bigger things to come? Did he know something else? Did we miss something?

In fact, the other day, I was sitting with Hina in my room and we turned on the radio. For a while, we were just listening to pop music... until... well, we might have been imagining it. But for a moment, we heard a panicked voice that sounded all too much like Acker's sound from the speaker.

"Rodney?" it said, repeating over and over. And then it cut back to the music. Hina and I looked at each other, and we decided to call Wynn. But she didn't pick up.

This isn't over, for sure. And a part of me is sure that Phoenix Acker didn't die when they went through that portal. And another part of me acknowledged the fact that Anne might not be dead either.

Well... That's all I really have to say, besides:

 My name is Cherry King, and I survived the apocalypse. 

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