9| Don't Worry About Me

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Selene tapped her foot on the floor repeatedly. She huffed then got up only to get pulled down by Scarlet who was still in her work uniform.

"Calm down Selene, they'll be here soon. Wolf has them, " she said in a sweet motherly voice.

"Yeah, but what if-"

"Nothing is going to happen. Maybe."


"Wait, come back here- Selene!" Selene got up and tore herself from Scarlet's grasp. She tore open the old, rickety doors and was met with blue eyes.

"Jacin! Are they here yet?! Are they ok?!" she asked.

"They're with Wolf. Thorne's injured and blind as somehow managed to cut the girl's hair. We grabbed them and guided them towards our car and they should be behind us, " Jacin grabbed her shoulders, "They are ok. You always get so worked up about these things."

"And you'd rather I not be. He's my best friend and even though he can be infuriating sometimes, I still care about him."

"Was that a declaration of love?" Selene jumped from the familiar voice and moved past Jacin into the sun outside. Thorne was standing in normal civilian clothing and had his arm draped over the girl, Cress now with short hair.

She let go a relieved sigh, "you idiot."

He smiled and turned his head towards her, but not his eyes.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" She asked.

"Oh, you didn't hear the news? I'm blind!"

"What- how?!"

"I think I did something when a madwoman threw a computer at me."

"I saw it happen. It was very frightening, " Cress piqued. Everyone turned towards her and she shrunk behind Thorne.

"Hey, you're Cress, right?" she nodded, "I'm Selene, the person you talked to on the phone," Selene smiled and extended her hand. Cress accepted it and she felt the girl shake a little, "are you guys okay?"

"No. I was stabbed by a piece of wood in my back. It hurt like hell," Thorne said.

"Was it treated already? Maybe Scarlet has something to put on it."

"Who do you think I am?" Jacin blurted, "I literally told you I study medicine."

"Right," Selene groaned into her hands, "sorry, I'm just so tired. Sybil and Levana are making me work overtime after she told me about," she used her hands to mimic a mess, "I saw on the news about you and I raced here as fast as possible."

She told a half-truth. Yes, she raced here as fast as possible, but not from Blackburn Skyscraper. In fact, Selene just arrived at Kai's place and it was Kai who told her what was going on. She cursed and sprinted back to the warehouse as fast as possible. Scarlet already sent Wolf and Jacin but commanded Selene to sit and rest after sprinting six blocks. Sometimes, Scarlet can be motherly.

Thorne slid his arm around her shoulder, "Don't worry about me, sweetie, I will never get hurt."

"Are you still under that tranquilizer?"

"Um, I don't think so."

Selene sighed. It would be nice if some reasons for her stress could disappear. But she knew it wasn't possible. She would always be worried or stressed about something. And now with this hacker who has information I everything, she was just going to get even more stressed.

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